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发布时间:2018-04-21 08:43

  本文选题:房地产企业 + 多重约束 ; 参考:《上海社会科学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:最近的10多年间,房地产业和房地产市场一直是社会各界人士乐于讨论的重点话题,也是经济学研究者特别关注的重点研究领域。原因有二:一是楼市价格毫无间断的上涨,不仅产生了一定程度的社会矛盾,也使得许多经济学家开始担忧中国楼市泡沫的风险;二是政府不断以各种手段间接或直接地调控市场,但收效往往不理想;似乎中国的房地产已经成为政策的盲点,政府最难以解决的棘手问题。 事实上,针对上述问题的研究已经是汗牛充栋,许多观点也颇令人信服。但即便如此,我仍然认为:在讨论中国房地产业如何扭曲的同时,宏观的制度和环境分析当然必要,但最终还必须回归到产业的微观基础,即房地产企业层面上。特别是对于中国的房地产业来讲,这些一直从事“拿地——贷款一—开发——卖房”的企业,他们到底是如何经营的?这些企业的经营效果又是怎样的?以及置身当前,企业生存和发展的环境是否正在经历着某种不可逆转的变化?而放眼未来,这些企业又该如何创造新的发展奇迹? 在本文中,笔者力图回答上述问题,重点聚焦中国房地产企业的战略变革路径。原因有三:一是惯性的经营思路若不遭遇突然的外部冲击,是很难意识到这种思路的错误之处,而中国的房地产开发商正在面临着这样的问题。二是房地产行业是一个产业关联性和对国民经济带动作用极强的行业,尽管中国的房地产企业曾经保持了高利润回报的“繁荣”景象,但这并不表明企业的国际竞争力已经很高。相反,相较与国际同行,我国的房地产开发商具有经营思路落后、开发模式粗放的特征,这样下去的结果很可能会对中国房地产业的持续发展产生致命的威胁。三是作为一名从事房地产经营的业内者,笔者深深地意识到在当前严峻的市场和政策压力下,曾经的企业发展模式已经走到了历史尽头,但许多开发商却浑然不觉或者不知所措,这就很有必要对中国房地产企业的经营状况、业务模式的实施特点、生存环境及其发展趋势和战略变革路径等问题进行全面剖析。 基于此,本论文将从三个层面展开研究:第一个层面是运用DEA模型对房地产上市公司的经营效率进行客观评价,结果发现,许多公司存在经营非效率和规模效率缺失的问题;第二个层面是立足当前宏观背景,从企业发展的约束角度构建了基于企业自身、基于产业发展环境和基于政策压力的三重约束框架,发现,中国的房地产企业在三重约束下步履艰难,若不及时进行战略变革,企业难以持续地发展下去。第三个层面是通过借鉴香港和美国的房地产企业经营模式,并结合我国的实际情况,提出我国房地产企业的发展战略是复合地产战略:即,通过整合企业的资源,根据不同区域的经济发展水平和地产的多元主体需求内容,开发多维产品;并在聚焦房地产企业可持续发展的基础上,重点推出以产品组合为特征的静态复合地产和基于不同类地产产品关联性质为特征的动态复合地产。 不可否认的是,尽管笔者与业界人士进行了多次讨论,试图对房地产企业战略变革形成一种共识,但这确实很难。而且依据上述思路开展的研究也是初步的,许多想法则是不成熟的。特别是,中国的房地产行业具有经济、社会和政治等多重属性,这就需要立足多学科视角进行全面论证。但限于笔者的能力,未能对这一问题从更为宽广的视野进行深入研究。也正是因此,这将督促我在今后的工作中继续思考、完善,以期为我国房地产企业的健康作出贡献。
[Abstract]:In recent 10 years , real estate industry and real estate market have been the key topics that all circles of society are willing to discuss , but also the key research field of special attention of the economics researchers . There are two reasons : one is that the price of the property market has gone up without interruption , not only a certain degree of social contradiction is generated , but also many economists begin to worry about the risk of the bubble in China ' s property market ;
Second , the government has continuously or directly regulated the market with various means , but it is often not ideal ;
It seems that China ' s real estate has become a blind spot for policy and the government ' s most difficult problem .

In fact , the research on the above - mentioned problems has been a sweat - building , and many points of view are quite convincing . But even so , I still believe that the macro - institutional and environmental analysis , while discussing how China ' s real estate industry is distorted , must eventually return to the micro - foundation of the industry , namely , the real estate enterprise level . In particular , what is the business effect of these enterprises ? and whether the environment for survival and development of the enterprise is undergoing some irreversible change ? And the future , how should these enterprises create a new miracle of development ?

In this paper , the author tries to answer the above questions and focuses on the strategic change path of Chinese real estate enterprises .

Based on this , the thesis will study from three aspects : the first aspect is to use DEA model to objectively evaluate the management efficiency of real estate listed companies , and it is found that many companies have the problems of non - efficiency and lack of scale efficiency ;
The second level is based on the current macro background , the enterprise itself , the industry development environment and the policy pressure based triple constraint framework are constructed from the constraint angle of the enterprise development . It is found that the real estate enterprises in China are struggling under the triple constraint . If the strategic change is not carried out in a timely manner , the development strategy of our real estate enterprises is the compound property strategy : that is , through the integration of the resources of the enterprises , the multi - dimensional product is developed according to the economic development level of different regions and the multi - body demand content of the real estate .
Based on the sustainable development of the focused real estate enterprises , the dynamic composite real estate characterized by the product portfolio and the characteristics of the related property of different kinds of real estate products is put forward .

It is undeniable that although the author has discussed several times with the industry people , it is difficult to try to form a consensus on the strategic change of the real estate enterprise , but it is very difficult to carry out the research according to the above thought . In particular , the real estate industry of China has many attributes such as economy , society and politics . It is also the author ' s ability to make a thorough research on this problem from a broader perspective . It is also the reason that this will urge me to continue to think and perfect in the future work so as to make a contribution to the health of our real estate enterprises .



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