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发布时间:2018-04-22 18:22

  本文选题:房地产 + 业务战略 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着房地产行业的发展和国家管理的逐步规范,房地产行业的市场格局逐渐由卖方市场向买方市场转变,住房观念也由生存空间转化为生活空间。这使得房地产开发的暴利时代已经过去,开发利润逐渐向社会的平均利润靠近。同时,国内的房地产企业之间除了从成本到产品本身,进行着全方位竞争,同时还得应付国际企业的竞争。HS公司作为国家二级房地产开发企业,为改变业务结构和经营区域的单一性,规避国家投资周期性变化的系统风险,计划将房地产业务做强做大,一是与区域市场新进入的大型房地产企业抗衡,二是为了寻求区域之外的发展空间。为此,需要重新审视市场环境和自身条件,制定发展战略,为企业的发展指明方向。 首先,本文简要描述了研究的背景、意义和目的。梳理总结了现有的企业战略管理理论的发展与流派,介绍了几种常见的战略分析模型。 其次,通过宏观环境、行业环境、行业市场、行业竞争四个维度分析了HS公司发展房地产业务的外部环境,给出HS公司的应对建议。其中主要采用PEST方法分析了宏观发展环境;通过对房地产行业发展周期、集中度、价值链及关键成功因素四个维度进行分析,剖析了房地产行业环境现状及趋势;从行业市场总容量、市场层次性容量、市场产品结构性容量、市场购买动机四个方面对行业市场进行了分析;通过对行业竞争企业、竞争格局、竞争模式和态势研判、竞争企业走向分析,解读HS公司所在行业的大的竞争环境。 再次,,从资质与业绩资源、关系资源、土地资源、品牌资源、财务资源、人力资源和企业文化七个维度分析了HS公司的内部环境,提出了现阶段的转变需求。 然后,通过SWOT分析,理清HS公司目前面临的机遇和挑战,拥有的优势和劣势,并在此基础上确定其发展战略思路为立足于公司现有地域品牌资源优势,以专业化、精细化发展为支撑,以商业地产、养老地产为契机,以差异化、聚焦化为特色,打造多样化产品线,构建完善的规范化、标准化运作管理模式,实现区域内的强大,成为区域性最优秀的房地产企业,实现区域外的延伸,五年内进入WX房地产市场,并取得突破性进展,包括从品牌导入到项目开发经营、团队建设、跨区域业务管理等诸方面,均取得长足进步和发展。之后给出了产品线打造以及目标市场与路径的选择的建议,提出了新市场进入和竞争策略。 最后,从完善人力资源管理、加强资金保障、加强战略管控和推行学习创新文化四个主要维度简要提出了发展战略实施的保障措施。
[Abstract]:With the development of the real estate industry and the gradual standardization of the state management, the market pattern of the real estate industry has gradually changed from the seller's market to the buyer's market, and the concept of housing has also changed from the living space to the living space. This makes the real estate development of the era has passed, the development of profits to the social average profit approach. At the same time, the domestic real estate enterprises are competing in all directions from the cost to the products themselves. At the same time, they also have to cope with the competition of international enterprises. HS Company is the second-level national real estate development enterprise. In order to change the business structure and the singularity of the business area, and to avoid the systematic risk of periodic changes in state investment, it is planned to strengthen and expand the real estate business. One is to compete with the large real estate enterprises newly entering the regional market. The second is to seek the development space outside the region. Therefore, it is necessary to re-examine the market environment and its own conditions, formulate development strategies, and point out the direction for the development of enterprises. First of all, this paper briefly describes the background, significance and purpose of the study. This paper summarizes the development and schools of the existing enterprise strategic management theory, and introduces several common strategic analysis models. Secondly, through the macro environment, industry environment, industry market and industry competition, the paper analyzes the external environment of HS company to develop real estate business, and gives the countermeasures of HS company. The paper mainly uses PEST method to analyze the macro development environment, analyzes the current situation and trend of the real estate industry environment by analyzing the four dimensions of the real estate industry development cycle, concentration degree, value chain and key success factors. This paper analyzes the industry market from four aspects: the total capacity of the industry market, the hierarchical capacity of the market, the structural capacity of the market products, and the market purchase motivation. The competitive enterprise moves towards the analysis, the interpretation HS company industry big competition environment. Thirdly, from the aspects of qualification and performance resources, relationship resources, land resources, brand resources, financial resources, human resources and corporate culture, this paper analyzes the internal environment of HS Company, and puts forward the changing needs at the present stage. Then, through the analysis of SWOT, the paper clarifies the opportunities and challenges, advantages and disadvantages that HS Company is facing, and on this basis, determines its development strategy thinking is based on the company's existing regional brand resources advantage, in order to professionalize. Fine development for support, commercial real estate, old-age real estate as an opportunity, differentiation, focus into the characteristics, to create a variety of product lines, to build a perfect standardized, standardized operation management model, to achieve a strong region, To become the best real estate enterprise in the region, to extend outside the region, to enter the WX real estate market within five years, and to make breakthrough progress, including from brand introduction to project development and management, team building, cross-regional business management, etc. Have made considerable progress and development. Then the suggestions of product line building and the choice of target market and path are given, and the strategy of new market entry and competition is put forward. Finally, from four main dimensions of perfecting human resource management, strengthening fund security, strengthening strategic control and promoting learning and innovation culture, the paper briefly puts forward the safeguard measures for the implementation of development strategy.


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