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发布时间:2018-04-23 01:20

  本文选题:房地产 + 代理 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放尤其是住房制度货币化以来,房地产业和房地产市场的发展,促进了我国国民经济发展,人们居住条件改善起到了积极作用。房地产业是我国国民经济的支柱产业之一,也是目前国内经济界、政治界谈论最多的行业之一。但房地产业是一个受政策和经济周期影响很大的行业,在市场兴旺期,企业的日子很好过,而在市场萧条期,一大批企业“死掉”或转行。中国房地产代理行业也面临着生存与发展的挑战。为迎接面临的严峻挑战,故有必要研究目前行业中所存在的普遍问题,目的是发现问题并找出解决方法。这样不但可以使企业在熊市中生存下来,更可以通过模式创新使行业得到提升和发展,使房地产代理行业更具有独立、创新性而成为房地产公司不可缺少的合作伙伴,而非以前形成的那种简单的雇佣关系和纯粹的代理销售关系。 本文以FCD公司代理的一个楼盘“J·J”项目为研究对象,将房地产营销理论运用到该项目的营销实践中。在客观分析了目前房地产代理行业发展现状和趋势的基础上,针对FCD公司面临的竞争环境以及内外营销环境,结合该行面临的宏观环境和微观环境,总结了FCD公司在营销中存在的问题。同时,运用SWOT策略分析模型,在把握了FCD公司机会、威胁、优势和劣势之后,得到了相应的营销战略。市场营销必须建立在对客户进行细分的基础之上,于是,根据波士顿矩阵分析的思想和资料制定相应的营销策略。最后本文总结了相应政策措施实施建议:根据FCD公司所处的市场特点以及其自身实力,总结出了其实施差异化营销策略。 本文通过分析FCD公司所处的营销环境,进一步明确和细化目标市场,从而提出了相应的营销组合策略和政策实施建议,具有一定的现实性和可操作性,以其对目前FCD公司起到参考指导作用。与此同时,对昆明其他房地产代理商的未来发展也具有借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, especially the monetization of housing system, the development of real estate industry and real estate market has promoted the development of our national economy, and the improvement of people's living conditions has played a positive role. Real estate industry is one of the pillar industries of our national economy. But the real estate industry is greatly influenced by policy and economic cycle. In the period of market boom, the life of enterprise is very good, and in the period of market depression, a large number of enterprises "die" or change jobs. China's real estate agency industry is also facing the challenge of survival and development. In order to meet the severe challenge, it is necessary to study the common problems in the industry at present, in order to find out the problems and find out the solutions. In this way, not only can the enterprise survive in the bear market, but also the industry can be promoted and developed through mode innovation, so that the real estate agent industry is more independent and innovative and become an indispensable partner of the real estate company. Rather than the simple employment relationship and pure agency sales relationship formed before. This paper applies the theory of real estate marketing to the marketing practice of a real estate "J J" project, which is an agent of FCD Company. Based on the objective analysis of the current development situation and trend of the real estate agency industry, aiming at the competitive environment and the internal and external marketing environment faced by FCD, the paper combines the macro and micro environment that the bank faces. This paper summarizes the problems existing in the marketing of FCD Company. At the same time, using the SWOT strategy analysis model, after grasping the opportunity, threat, advantage and disadvantage of FCD company, we get the corresponding marketing strategy. Marketing must be based on the subdivision of customers, so the corresponding marketing strategy is formulated according to the ideas and materials of Boston matrix analysis. Finally, this paper summarizes the corresponding policies and measures to implement the recommendations: according to the market characteristics of FCD and its own strength, summed up the implementation of differentiated marketing strategy. By analyzing the marketing environment of FCD Company, this paper further clarifies and refines the target market, and then puts forward the corresponding marketing combination strategy and policy implementation suggestion, which has certain reality and maneuverability. With its current FCD company to play a reference role. At the same time, the future development of other real estate agents in Kunming also has reference significance.


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1 李云;;营销过程管理让策划落到实处[J];企业研究;2006年08期




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