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发布时间:2018-04-23 00:33

  本文选题:房地产价格 + 价格监管 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产业是国民经济发展的高贡献产业,房地产业的繁荣和房地产价格的上升是社会经济发展的重要表现,但是如果房地产价格的升高与社会经济发展程度和居民收入水平不能同步适应,则会损害国民经济的健康发展。而且房地产价格问题直接关系居民对“住”的基本生存要求,是社会民生的重要问题,必须予以重视,并进行深入研究,以理论指导实践。房地产价格问题是涉足法律、经济学、管理学等多学科的复杂问题,在此前提下从法律的角度出发,研究探讨房地产价格监管所涉及的相关概念、法理依据以及房地产价格法律监管的法律主体和监管对象等方面的内容,并且在进行理论分析和问题分析的基础上,得出对加强我国房地产价格监管的法律思考,以期能在实践中得到更好的应用和发挥,最终实现房地产价格的平稳发展。 房地产价格的法律监管包括房地产价格法律监督和房地产价格法律管理两大方面的内容,通过对二者的含义解析,以及对房地产价格法律监管与房地产价格宏观调控两者进行辨析,确定研究重点应立于范围层次更为广泛的房地产价格法律监管之上。然而任何法律问题的研究和解决都离不开法学理论的支持,通过对房地产价格监管的法学理论依据的分析,其中包括宏观调控法学手段及原则理论、市场监管法学理论、法经济学博弈论理论以及法社会学法律功能论理论等方面,,可以为房地产价格监管法律问题的研究提供更为深刻的理解和法源支持。房地产价格监管法律问题的研究重点应当集中于房地产价格监管的相关法律主体和监管对象的法律分析等方面,逐步深入论题并发现问题。具体而言,对房地产价格监管法律主体的分析,主要集中在房地产价格监管的决策主体、执行主体及相关法律法规制定主体三个方面,通过对房地产价格监管各主体的构成、职能、监管作为等方面的总结剖析,可发现其在房地产价格监管过程中存在的问题,包括监管决策主体法律权责与监管机制不完善、缺乏对监管主体的执行监督与管理以及房地产价格监管政策法律化进程滞缓等。而在对房地产价格监管对象的法律分析上,主要以对房地产价格产生影响的因素作为贯穿全章之线索,并反之将其作为对房地产价格监管的对象和手段予以阐释分析,从对房地产价格产生影响的因素这一角度入手,对涉及房地产价格的土地出让手段、房地产资本信贷手段、房地产市场供需以及房地产税费制度等方面的监管,从法律的角度进行详细梳理,在此过程中对房地产价格监管对象的各个方面存在的问题和可取之处进行了双向分析,在今后我国房地产价格监管的过程中对可取之处予以延续和改进,对出现的如土地的行政垄断、立法转化的迟滞以及规范性文件效力层级低等各方面问题予以纠正和弥补。最后,提出加强对我国房地产价格法律监管的建议,结合前文的层层深入分析以及在整理分析过程中发现的问题,从强化土地出让、金融税制和加强住房保障等房地产价格监管手段方面,对房地产价格法律监管进行深入思考总结,提出加强土地利益分配管理、明确政府法律责任以及在推动土地入市交易的过程中加强监管力度的思考;另一方面,也要积极建立健全房地产价格监管监察法律机制,建立从中央到地方的纵向监管与部门间、地方政府间横向联合的纵横交错的房地才价格监管法律机制,完善房地产市场执法监督机制,提高房地产价格法律监管的效率,维护房地产市场价格的平衡稳定。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry is a high contribution industry to the development of national economy. The prosperity of real estate industry and the rising of real estate price are important manifestations of the social and economic development. But if the price of real estate is not adapted to the social economic development and the income level of the residents, it will damage the healthy development of the national economy. Moreover, the real estate price will be damaged. The question of the lattice is directly related to the basic living requirements of the residents, which is an important issue for the people's livelihood. It must be paid attention to, and the research is carried out in depth to guide the practice. The real estate price is a complex problem in many disciplines such as law, economics, management and so on. Under this premise, the real estate is studied and discussed from the legal point of view. The related concepts involved in price regulation, legal basis, legal subject and supervision object of real estate price regulation, and on the basis of theoretical analysis and problem analysis, the legal thinking of strengthening the supervision of real estate prices in China is drawn up in order to get better application and play in practice. The final realization of the steady development of real estate prices.
The legal supervision of real estate price includes two aspects of the legal supervision of real estate price and the legal management of real estate price. Through the analysis of the meaning of the two, and the discrimination between the real estate price legal supervision and the macro-control of the real estate price, it is determined that the research emphasis should be on the more extensive real estate price in the scope. However, the study and solution of any legal problems can not be separated from the support of the legal theory, through the analysis of the legal basis of the real estate price regulation, including the macro regulation and control law means and principles, the theory of market supervision, the game theory of law economics and the legal function of law sociology. On the other hand, we can provide a more profound understanding and legal support for the research on the legal issues of real estate price regulation. The focus of the research on the legal issues of real estate price regulation should focus on the legal subjects of the real estate price regulation and the legal analysis of the supervision objects. The analysis of the legal subject of real estate price supervision is mainly focused on three aspects of the decision-making body of the real estate price supervision, the subject of execution and the main body of relevant laws and regulations. Through the summary and analysis of the composition, function and supervision of the main bodies of the real estate price supervision, it can be found that in the process of supervising the real estate price, it can be found to be stored in the process of real estate price regulation. The problems include the imperfect legal authority and supervision mechanism, the lack of supervision and management of the subject of supervision and the delay in the legal process of the real estate price regulation. In the legal analysis of the object of real estate price supervision, the main factors affecting the real estate price are taken as the whole chapter. And on the other hand, it will explain and analyze the object and means of real estate price regulation, and start with the factors that affect the real estate price, the means of land transfer involving real estate prices, the means of real estate capital credit, the supply demand of real estate market and the real estate tax and fee system, and so on. The legal point of view is detailed, and in the process, the problems and advisability of the real estate price supervision are analyzed in two directions. In the process of the real estate price regulation in the future, the redeeming and improvement are carried out in the process of the real estate price regulation in China. In the end, we put forward some suggestions to strengthen the legal supervision of the real estate price in China. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the management of the distribution of land interests, clear the legal responsibility of the government and strengthen the supervision in the process of promoting the trade of land into the market. On the other hand, we should also actively establish and improve the supervision and supervision of the real estate price, and establish the legal mechanism from the central to the local. Vertical supervision and interdepartmental, interdepartmental intersecting intersecting and cross interlaced real estate price regulation legal mechanism, perfect the law enforcement supervision mechanism of the real estate market, improve the efficiency of real estate price regulation, and maintain the balance and stability of the real estate market price.



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