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发布时间:2018-04-23 03:29

  本文选题:房地产 + 工作环境 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产业在奠定经济发展基础上做出了卓越的成就,从宏观角度来看带动的中小型企业更是循序渐进,这样的成绩也为我国的经济发展做出了不可磨灭的里程。但从侧面也映照出了过度的发展带来的房价高、地皮炒作等诸多负面影响,这也体现出房地产业发展的经济产业支柱是一条缓慢而持久的有序漫长路,调控房地产发展、科学合理的支配及立足于长远的打算才能更好的为我国的经济事业做出稳定发展的表率。在房地产调控这个大环境下,房地产业面临着严峻的挑战,保障房地产业可持续发展成为新的主题。 现房地产业人员高离职率,不利于房地产业的长期发展。随着全球竞争和知识经济时代的到来,企业的可持续发展是由核心竞争力来决定的,工作环境则是核心竞争力中最容易忽略但却至关重要的因素。房地产公司员工对工作环境的满意度影响着企业长远发展,只有员工对工作环境满意才能将所有的热情投入到工作当中,员工才能提高工作效率,完成工作任务,企业的目标得以实现。 本文针对房地产公司员工工作环境满意度进行研究,采用调查问卷的方式,就有关房地产公司员工工作环境满意度的影响因素进行分析,介绍房地产公司员工工作现状,然后结合房地产公司工作环境的实际情况从办公条件、人际关系、公司政策、公司待遇、个人发展五个维度分析房地产公司员工工作环境满意度现状及存在问题,为企业改善员工的作业环境,创造良好工作氛围,促进企业的核心竞争力,从而保障企业的可持续发展,提出可行性建议。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry has made remarkable achievements on the basis of economic development, and the small and medium-sized enterprises driven by the real estate industry from a macro perspective have made an indelible mileage for the economic development of our country. But it also reflects a lot of negative effects brought by excessive development, such as high house prices, land speculation and so on. This also shows that the economic industry pillar of real estate development is a slow and lasting orderly and long road to regulate the development of real estate. Scientific and reasonable control and based on the long-term plan can make a better example for the stable development of China's economic undertakings. Under the environment of real estate regulation and control, real estate industry is facing severe challenges, so it becomes a new theme to ensure the sustainable development of real estate industry. The high turnover rate of real estate personnel is not conducive to the long-term development of the real estate industry. With the advent of global competition and the era of knowledge economy, the sustainable development of enterprises is determined by the core competitiveness, and the working environment is the most easily neglected but crucial factor in the core competitiveness. The satisfaction of the employees of the real estate company affects the long-term development of the enterprise. Only when the employees are satisfied with the working environment can they put all their enthusiasm into the work, and the employees can improve their work efficiency and complete the work tasks. The objectives of the enterprise were achieved. Based on the research of employee's working environment satisfaction of real estate company, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of employee's working environment satisfaction by questionnaire, and introduces the present situation of real estate company's employee's work. Then according to the actual situation of the working environment of the real estate company, from five dimensions of office conditions, interpersonal relationship, company policy, company treatment and personal development, the paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the employee's job environment satisfaction in the real estate company. It can improve the working environment of employees, create a good working atmosphere, promote the core competitiveness of enterprises, and ensure the sustainable development of enterprises, and put forward some feasible suggestions.


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