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发布时间:2018-04-23 22:02

  本文选题:房地产市场 + 政策调控 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自1998年以来,政府出台了一系列房地产调控政策,以抑制过快增长的房地产价格,调整过热的房地产市场,2013年再次出台的新“国五条”政策,表明政府治理房地产市场的坚定决心,当前我国正处於城镇化快速发展阶段,影响房地产市场价格的主要因素有基本消费性需求、改善性需求、投资性需求和投机性需求,短期内大型城市和中心城市住房供求紧张格局难以根本改变,支持自住需求、抑制投机投资性购房是房地产市场调控必须坚持的一项基本政策。当前政府应密切关注房地产市场泡沫化程度,加强监督与预警防范机制,加大政策调控力度,确保政策落实到位,切实发挥政策调控作用,正确引导房地产市场发展趋势。本文从我国房地产市场的发展及其调控手段、国外房地产市场宏观调控的经验及其启示、新“国五条”影响下房地产市场存在的问题和原因以及抑制房价促发展的措施探讨等方面进行了阐述,并分析了政府视角下房地产市场存在的问题,同时也提出了应对措施及设想。 全文共分为五个部分,第一部分导论,介绍了研究目的和意义;概述了房地产市场的发展及国内外房地产市场调控的政策的研究;第二部分有关概念和理论基础,概括了我国房地产市场的发展及其调控手段;第三部分新“国五条”影响下房地产市场存在的问题及原因,从我国房地产市场目前的现状、在市场运行中出现的主要问题进行了分析,然后从新“国五条”的影响作了预期分析;第四部分国外房地产市场宏观调控的有益经验及其启示;第五部分进一步抑房价促发展的措施探讨,根据我国房价持续上涨的现象,从税收的视角进行了分析,论述了我国实施税收调控政策的影响效果。 本文的创新之处是站在科学发展观的角度,正确解读今年三月正式出台的“国五条”政策,并通过分析我国房地产业的发展进程,借鉴国外先进管理手法,结合我国实情,找出存在问题,并分析新政策实施后的房地产业发展趋势,提出了完善信贷制度、保障性住房制度、土地储备与分配制度和税收制度等可持续发展的房地产市场调控手段。
[Abstract]:Since 1998, the government has introduced a series of real estate regulation policies to curb the excessive growth of real estate prices, adjust the overheated real estate market, in 2013 again introduced a new "national five" policy. This indicates that the government is firmly determined to control the real estate market. At present, China is in the stage of rapid urbanization. The main factors affecting the real estate market price are basic consumer demand, improved demand, investment demand and speculative demand. In the short term, it is difficult to fundamentally change the tight pattern of housing supply and demand in large cities and central cities. It is a basic policy for real estate market regulation and control to support the demand for self-housing and curb speculative investment. At present, the government should pay close attention to the bubbling degree of the real estate market, strengthen the mechanism of supervision and early warning, strengthen the policy regulation and control, ensure the implementation of the policy, give full play to the role of the policy regulation and control, and guide the development trend of the real estate market correctly. In this paper, the development of the real estate market in China and its means of regulation and control, the experience of macro-control of the real estate market in foreign countries and its enlightenment, This paper expounds the problems and causes of the real estate market under the influence of the new "five articles of the Nation", and probes into the measures to restrain the house prices and promote the development of the real estate market, and analyzes the problems existing in the real estate market from the perspective of the government. At the same time, it also puts forward the countermeasures and ideas. The paper is divided into five parts. The first part introduces the purpose and significance of the research, summarizes the development of the real estate market and the domestic and foreign real estate market regulation policy research, the second part related concepts and theoretical basis, This paper summarizes the development of China's real estate market and its means of adjustment and control, the third part, the problems and causes of the real estate market under the influence of the new "National five principles", and the current situation of the real estate market in China. The main problems in the operation of the market are analyzed, and then the expected analysis is made from the impact of the new "five articles of the country". The fourth part is the beneficial experience and enlightenment of the macro-control of the foreign real estate market. The fifth part discusses the measures of restraining house price and promoting the development. According to the phenomenon of house price rising continuously in our country, this paper analyzes the effect of tax regulation and control policy from the perspective of tax. The innovation of this paper is that from the angle of scientific development view, this paper correctly interprets the "national five principles" policy that was formally introduced in March this year, and through analyzing the development process of China's real estate industry, draws lessons from foreign advanced management techniques and combines the reality of our country. This paper finds out the existing problems and analyzes the development trend of the real estate industry after the implementation of the new policy, and puts forward some measures of regulating and controlling the real estate market for the sustainable development, such as perfecting the credit system, the indemnificatory housing system, the land reserve and distribution system and the tax system.


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