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发布时间:2018-04-24 05:31

  本文选题:装配式建筑 + 设计方法 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the demand of the national urban integration construction, the real estate industry develops rapidly. The booming development of the real estate industry not only improves people's housing conditions, but also promotes the development of the building-related industries. To the national employment environment has brought great opportunities, real estate has become an important pillar of national economic development. With the needs of new technology and social progress, the real estate industry is also facing the process of transforming to high technology. The development of prefabricated buildings conforms to the extensive development of the real estate industry to the direction of scientific and technological development. In February 2014, the Technical Specification for Assembly concrete structures was promulgated and implemented. It also points out the design requirements and standards for the developing concrete assembly buildings. This marks the growing demand for prefabricated buildings in China. This paper focuses on the development process, design method, specification requirements and future development direction of prefabricated architecture in China, referring to the development course of prefabricated architecture in foreign countries, and combining with the actual development situation of our country at present. Combined with the actual investigation of local projects, the design research of prefabricated buildings is mainly carried out from the aspects of design advantage, cost advantage, construction cycle advantage, environmental advantage and household type research. This paper summarizes the experiences and lessons in the development of prefabricated buildings at home and abroad, puts forward the optimal design scheme of prefabricated buildings, and puts forward some corrective measures according to the feedback in the construction process of prefabricated buildings. Through the case study of cost analysis, we can get the work content that should be consummated in the design stage of the present assembly building, the analysis of the construction cost, the applicable cost and the later demolition cost of the prefabricated building and the traditional concrete building. The cost factors affecting the application of prefabricated buildings are put forward, which can be used as a reference for the selection of prefabricated construction schemes and cost analysis in engineering.


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