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发布时间:2018-04-24 22:20

  本文选题:社会信用 + 社会信用体系 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:信用是人类社会发展永恒的伦理主题,也是市场经济运行与发展的主题。党中央领导高度重视社会信用体系,多次下发文件提出建立社会信用体系。鄂尔多斯市是资源型城市,在2002年到2010年间飞速发展,地区年生产总值翻了好几番。2010年人均GDP高达15000美元,一跃成为内蒙古发展速度最快的城市,民间迅速积累了大量的财富。金融机构不能有效满足经济发展需要的大量的财力,民间借贷逐渐兴起。而民间借贷缺乏有效的监管,导致信用危机的产生。鄂尔多斯市2007年至2009年间,由于民间借贷引发的民事纠纷年均增长约71%,特别是金融危机爆发后的08、09年,分别增长了89%和91.59%。社会信用的发展没有跟上经济发展的脚步,尤其是房地产泡沫破裂,高利贷危机充分暴露了鄂尔多斯市社会信用发展的缺失。因此,研究如何完善鄂尔多斯市社会信用体系建设具有极大的理论价值与现实意义,扎实、有效地推进鄂尔多斯市社会信用体系建设,打造“诚信鄂尔多斯”,任务艰巨,迫在眉睫。 本文针对鄂尔多斯市社会信用现状,主要运用文献分析法和定性分析法,分析了目前鄂尔多斯市社会信用主要存在的问题,主要表现三个方面,个人信用缺失、企业信用缺失和政府信用缺失。然后运用对比分析法,研究国内外成功建设社会信用体系的案例,通过对比得出几点成功经验,在此基础上提出了有针对性的对策意见与建议。
[Abstract]:Credit is the eternal ethical theme of the development of human society, and also the theme of the operation and development of market economy. Party Central Committee leaders attach great importance to the social credit system, issued documents many times to establish a social credit system. Ordos is a resource-based city with rapid development between 2002 and 2010, and the annual gross domestic product of the region has increased several times. In 2010, the per capita GDP reached US $15000, making it the fastest growing city in Inner Mongolia, and the private sector rapidly accumulated a lot of wealth. Financial institutions can not effectively meet the needs of economic development of a large number of financial resources, private lending gradually rising. The lack of effective supervision of private lending led to the emergence of credit crisis. Between 2007 and 2009, civil disputes caused by private lending grew by an average of about 71a year, especially in the wake of the financial crisis, which rose 89 percent in 2009 and 91.59 in 2009. The development of social credit has not kept up with the pace of economic development, especially the bursting of real estate bubble, usury crisis fully exposed the lack of social credit development in Ordos. Therefore, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to study how to improve the construction of social credit system in Ordos city. It is a arduous task to effectively promote the construction of social credit system in Ordos city and to build "good faith Ordos". Imminent. According to the present situation of social credit in Ordos city, this paper mainly uses the method of literature analysis and qualitative analysis to analyze the main problems existing in the social credit of Ordos city at present, which mainly shows three aspects, the lack of personal credit. Lack of enterprise credit and lack of government credit. Then by using the method of comparative analysis, this paper studies the cases of successful construction of social credit system at home and abroad, obtains several successful experiences through comparison, and puts forward some targeted suggestions and suggestions on this basis.


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