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发布时间:2018-04-24 23:28

  本文选题:房地产 + 开发项目 ; 参考:《西华大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:从20世纪80年代至今,我国房地产行业经过30多年的发展,取得了巨大的成就,成为支柱产业,因此,房地产开发企业从中获得了丰厚的利润,在巨大的利益驱使下,成千上万的私人,集团纷纷加入房地产行业以及国外许多优秀的房地产企业开始在中国投资。房地产行业关联着建筑材料行业、装修行业、家具家电行业等几十个行业,目前房地产开发行业竞争激烈,同时面临着国际和国内巨大的挑战。在激烈竞争中生存与发展是摆在房地产开发企业面前一道急需解决的难题。 本文站在房地产开发企业的角度,分析了开发项目成本太高的问题,指出成本太高的原因是成本构成里面的土地成本太高。本文通过将影响构成土地成本的土地价格的因素分为宏观因素和微观因素,分析了宏观因素和微观因素对土地价格的影响,其中重点分析了微观因素对土地价格的影响,提出房地产开发企业控制土地成本的措施是采用科学的方法对土地价格进行预测,,避免购买时的盲目和冲动等主观因素造成购买的土地价格过高,导致土地成本太高。 在本文中,借助MATLAB工具箱,运用BP(Back Propagation)神经网络算法,建立土地价格预测模型,通过BP神经网络的对样本进行训练可以有效地解决微观因素对土地价格影响。预测结果可以比较准确地反映所要购买土地的价格,为房地产开发企业在购买土地时提供科学的参考。利用土地价格预测模型提供的客观而准确的分析数据,结合企业管理水平和企业目标,制定合理的土地购买方案,可以弥补传统购买土地时的一些盲目性,从源头上有效解决土地成本控制的问题。 本论文所建立房地产开发企业的土地价格预测模型,在目前房地产行业激烈的市场竞争中,不仅能帮助企业提高开发项目成本控制的能力,特别是对土地成本的控制能力,增加利润空间,而且能在一定程度上提高企业的管理水平,增强竞争能力,对促进房地产企业和行业的健康发展有一定的意义。
[Abstract]:Since 1980s, after more than 30 years' development, China's real estate industry has made great achievements and become a pillar industry. Therefore, real estate development enterprises have obtained rich profits, driven by huge profits. Tens of thousands of private individuals and groups have joined the real estate industry, as well as a number of foreign good real estate companies to invest in China. The real estate industry is related to the construction materials industry, decoration industry, furniture and household appliances industry and dozens of other industries. At present, the real estate development industry is facing fierce competition, while facing international and domestic huge challenges. Survival and development in the fierce competition is an urgent problem for real estate development enterprises. From the angle of real estate development enterprise, this paper analyzes the problem that the cost of development project is too high, and points out that the reason of too high cost is that the cost of land is too high. By dividing the factors that affect the land price which constitute the land cost into macro factors and micro factors, this paper analyzes the influence of macro factors and micro factors on land prices, and focuses on the impact of micro factors on land prices. It is put forward that the measure of controlling land cost in real estate development enterprises is to use scientific method to forecast land price, to avoid the subjective factors such as blindness and impulse in purchasing, which results in too high land price and too high land cost. In this paper, with the help of MATLAB toolbox and BP(Back propagation neural network algorithm, a land price prediction model is established. The influence of microcosmic factors on land price can be effectively solved by training the samples with BP neural network. The forecast results can accurately reflect the price of the land to be purchased and provide a scientific reference for the real estate development enterprises to purchase the land. Using the objective and accurate analysis data provided by the land price forecasting model, combining the enterprise management level and the enterprise goal, making the reasonable land purchase plan can make up for some blindness in the traditional land purchase. Effectively solve the problem of land cost control from the source. The land price forecasting model of the real estate development enterprise established in this paper can not only help the enterprise to improve the ability of cost control of the development project, especially the control ability of the land cost, but also can help the enterprise to improve the ability of controlling the cost of the development project in the current fierce market competition in the real estate industry. Increasing profit space and improving the management level and competition ability of enterprises to a certain extent have certain significance to promote the healthy development of real estate enterprises and industries.


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