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发布时间:2018-04-25 14:50

  本文选题:广州 + 金沙洲 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:所谓保障性住房,是政府为中低收入住房困难的家庭所提供的住房,这些住房限定标准、限定租金,常见形式为经济适用房和廉租房两种。近些年来,由于我国社会经济不断发展,政府已经加大保障性住房的建设力度,为促进房地产市场良性发展,进一步改善人民的居住条件,做出了卓越贡献。 论文以广州金沙洲某保障性住房小区为研究对象,分析总结了广州保障性住房的特点以及当前广州市保障性住房小区规划建设的存在问题,并研究了当前保障性住房小区选址、住宅平面规划设计、小区套型设计等主要理论,并针对广州市保障住房小区的特征提出相对的建议。在此基础上,应用最新规划设计理念,,提出保障性住房小区的规划原则,并采用实证研究法深入剖析相关案例,最终提出有针对性的完善保障性住房小区规划的相关建议。
[Abstract]:The so-called indemnificatory housing, is the housing which the government provides for the low- and middle-income housing difficult families, these housing limits the standard, limits the rent, the common form is comfortable housing and low-rent housing two kinds. In recent years, due to the continuous development of our social economy, the government has increased the construction of affordable housing, to promote the healthy development of the real estate market and further improve the living conditions of the people, has made outstanding contributions. In this paper, the characteristics of the affordable housing in Guangzhou and the existing problems in the planning and construction of the affordable housing district in Guangzhou are analyzed and summarized, and the location of the affordable housing district in Guangzhou is also studied. The main theories, such as flat plan design, housing suite design and so on, are put forward, and the relative suggestions are put forward for the characteristics of the housing district in Guangzhou. On this basis, using the latest planning and design concept, put forward the planning principles of affordable housing district, and use the empirical research method to analyze the relevant cases, and finally put forward targeted suggestions to improve the planning of affordable housing district.


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