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发布时间:2018-04-25 22:34

  本文选题:小产权房 + 新型城镇化 ; 参考:《广东财经大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The small property right house is a special kind of house which appears on the basis of collective land in many names, such as the transformation of the old village in the countryside, the construction of urbanization and the transformation of the village in the city. In essence, It is accompanied by industrialization and urbanization in China and a special phenomenon. At present, the problems faced by small property right houses are as follows: large scale of buildings, extensive scope, repeated prohibitions, various forms, great difficulty in supervision and difficult to manage. The reasons are the division of land rights caused by the dual economic structure of urban and rural areas in our country. The imbalance of benefit distribution in the process of urbanization, the deficiency of fiscal and tax management system and government regulation, and the difficulty of existing land management laws in responding to the new urbanization demand are closely related to each other. The development of new urbanization has brought new opportunities and challenges to the reform of the rural land system, the reform of small property houses, and governance. In system innovation, it is necessary to firmly grasp the protection of cultivated land, the protection of farmers' rights and interests, and the overall development of urban and rural areas. Market-oriented and government-led principles. The small property right house involves the contradiction between the multi-interest main body, at present, the central government and the local legislation can not meet the development needs of the new type of urbanization, so it is necessary to legalize the small property right house problem. To solve many problems, such as the pluralism of the main body and the gradual implementation of the policy, to carry out a comprehensive reflection, and to carry out legal clean-up and perfection, to speed up the reform of the system of rural land property rights, and to strengthen and attach importance to the building of democracy at the grass-roots level in rural areas. Give full play to the government's coordinating and promoting role, speed up the construction of unified rural planning, formulate and issue the "Real Estate Management Law", which is an overall plan between urban and rural areas, in order to realize the fundamental solution of the series of problems of small property right housing.


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