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发布时间:2018-04-26 19:18

  本文选题:房地产经纪 + 自律监管 ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国房地产经纪业经过多年的发展,各项基本制度已初步建立。房地产经纪行业的快速发展,不仅为交易相对人买卖和租赁房产提供了巨大便利,而且减少了开发商的开发风险,节约了社会交易成本,繁荣和活跃了房地产市场,促进了房地产流通,使房地产经纪行业成为房地产市场正常运转所必需的润滑剂。但是我国房地产经纪行业的自律机制仍显薄弱,随着市场规模的扩大,自律监管体系不健全的问题日趋严重,建立完善的行业自律制度是房地产经纪市场进一步发展的必然要求。中国房地产行业各级协会作为本行业最主要的自律组织,在我国远远没有发挥其应有的作用。而目前国内关于房地产经纪行业自律监管的专题研究并不多,且大多散见于市场经济、行政管理等相关学科的文献资料中,为此笔者以法学理论为基础,通过剖析影响房地产经纪行业自律功能发挥的主要问题,进而从理论、制度构建的角度分析房地产业自律组织应有的法律地位和相应的职能缺陷,并提出改善建议,为将来房地产经纪行业自律体系的完善提供一定的参考。 本文分为四部分: 本文第一部分主要分析了涉及房地产经纪行业自律问题的基本理论,辨析了房地产经纪和房地产经纪自律监管的基本概念、性质、特征和模式,进而提出强化房地产经纪行业自律监管的意义,为后文从各个角度探讨改善措施做好理论铺垫。 本文第二部分主要探讨了我国房地产经纪行业自律的现状和存在的问题,先从行业发展现状、自律组织发展历程、相关法律法规制定情况、自律监管体系概况等各个角度对我国房地产经纪业自律监管现状进行了详细的分析,随后结合我国实际情况,从实践和发展过程中认识到房地产经纪行业自律工作存在的问题:主要包括自律监管手段不健全、自律监管主体法律地位不明确和自律监管综合运行机制不完善。 本文第三部分考察分析美国的房地产经纪市场自律监管法律制度及其对于我国房地产经纪市场自律监管制度的启示。首先对美国房地产经纪市场自律监管的主要模式、自律监管组织机构形式和自律监管职能内容进行考察分析,然后总结美国房地产经纪市场自律监管制度带给我们以下启示:构建我国行业规范法律体系;明确自律组织独立的法律地位;形成及时全面信息共享机制;设置先进的损害赔偿制度。 本文最后一部分主要研究如何完善我国的房地产经纪市场自律监管法律制度。根据前文研究分析我国房地产经纪市场自律监管存在的问题,在最后一部分针对这些问题提出解决和完善的建议对策:通过建立自律监管与行政监管并重的模式和设置政府对房地产经纪行业自律组织的适当干预来实现行政监管与自律监管的动态平衡;通过完善相关法律,确立房地产经纪自律组织相对独立的地位;通过规范解纷程序和实施主体、提高争端解决的行政效率功能、提供充足稳定的经费支撑来完善行业纠纷的综合解决机制。
[Abstract]:After years of development, the basic system of real estate brokerage in China has been established preliminarily. The rapid development of the real estate brokerage industry has not only provided great convenience for trading and leasing property, but also reduced the development risk of developers, saved the cost of social transaction, flourished the real estate market and promoted the housing market. Real estate circulation makes the real estate brokerage industry a necessary lubricant for the normal operation of the real estate market. However, the self-discipline mechanism of the real estate brokerage industry in China is still weak. With the expansion of the market scale, the problem of self-discipline supervision system is becoming more and more serious, and the establishment of a perfect self-discipline system is the further development of the real estate brokerage market. The Chinese real estate industry association, as the main self-discipline organization of the industry, has not played its due role in our country. At present, there are few special studies on the self-regulation of the real estate brokerage industry in China, and most of them are scattered in the literature of the related disciplines such as market economy and administrative management. On the basis of the theory of law, the author analyzes the main problems that affect the self-discipline of the real estate brokerage industry, and then analyzes the legal status and corresponding functional defects of the self-discipline organization of real estate industry from the perspective of theory and system construction, and puts forward some suggestions to improve the self-discipline system of the real estate brokerage industry in the future. A certain reference.
This article is divided into four parts:
The first part of this paper mainly analyzes the basic theory of self-discipline in the real estate brokerage industry, distinguishes the basic concepts, characteristics, characteristics and patterns of the self-regulation of real estate brokerage and real estate broker, and then puts forward the significance of strengthening the self-regulation of the real estate brokerage industry, so as to discuss the improvement measures from various angles. Pads.
The second part of this paper mainly discusses the status and existing problems of self-discipline in the real estate brokerage industry in China. It analyzes the status of self-discipline supervision in real estate brokerage industry in detail from various angles, such as the status of industry development, the development process of self-discipline organization, relevant laws and regulations, and the general situation of self-discipline supervision system, and then combines with me. In the actual situation of the country, the problems existing in the self-discipline work of the real estate brokerage industry are recognized in the process of practice and development, including the unsound means of self-regulation, the unclear legal status of the subject of self-regulation and the imperfect mechanism of the comprehensive operation of self-regulation.
The third part of this paper analyzes the legal system of self regulatory supervision in the real estate brokerage market in the United States and Its Enlightenment to the self-regulation system of the real estate brokerage market in China. A summary of the self-discipline supervision system of the real estate brokerage market in the United States brings us the following enlightenment: to establish the legal system of China's industry standard, to clarify the independent legal status of self-discipline organization, to form a timely and comprehensive information sharing mechanism, and to set up an advanced damage compensation system.
The last part of this paper mainly studies how to improve the legal system of self-regulation of the real estate brokerage market in China. According to the previous research and analysis of the problems existing in the self-regulation of the real estate brokerage market in our country, some suggestions are put forward to solve and improve the problems in the last part of the market. The mode and the proper intervention of the government to the self-discipline organization of the real estate brokerage industry to realize the dynamic balance between the administrative supervision and the self-regulation; by perfecting the relevant laws and establishing the relative independent status of the self-discipline organization of the real estate broker, the administrative efficiency function of the dispute settlement can be improved by standardizing the dispute resolution procedure and the implementation subject. Adequate and stable financial support to improve the comprehensive settlement mechanism of industrial disputes.





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