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发布时间:2018-04-26 19:32

  本文选题:园林规划 + 发展战略 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文以P-LA公司为案例对其发展战略的选择制定及实施进行深入研究。园林企业过去的10几年高速发展得益于早期市场的供给不足,竞争较少,许多园林企业领导只凭借粗放的管理方式及依赖行业发展的机会惯性进行经营,他们中的很多都没有制定有效长远的发展战略。因此,研究如何为园林企业制定竞争战略、企业战略、发展战略对于推进行业的发展具有转折性、划时代的重要意义。 本文的研究对P-LA公司的外部宏观环境、行业环境以及内部资源和能力情况、同行企业的战略管理状况等方面进行了归纳分析,推导出当前P-LA公司存在的优势和劣势问题,通过SWOT模型分析和QSPM矩阵分析,定出了P-LA公司未来的公司层、业务层、职能层三方面战略,并制订出实施的措施和方法。 研究形成结论如下:由于P-LA公司所处的园林行业发展受城镇化建设、房地产市场持续需求等因素影响,因此当前公司处于较佳的战略地位。同时,公司拥有的资源较为充足,面临的机遇较多,总体的战略性质偏向于成长战略。研究得出公司当前的主要战略应为: 1.主战略:巩固原有的房地产园林业务,适当新增开拓市政园林业务、生态修复业务; 2.副战略:目前公司账面现金充足,,可以适当引入整合行业上下游资源和同行业并购的战略。 3.辅助战略:开拓新的细分市场,寻找相关行业的蓝海业务;
[Abstract]:This paper takes P-LA Corporation as a case to study the choice and implementation of its development strategy. The rapid development of garden enterprises in the past 10 years has benefited from the lack of supply in the early market and less competition. Many garden enterprise leaders only rely on extensive management methods and the opportunity inertia of relying on the development of the industry. Many of them do not have an effective long-term development strategy. Therefore, it is of great significance to study how to make competitive strategy, enterprise strategy and development strategy for garden enterprises to promote the development of the industry. In this paper, the external macro environment, industry environment, internal resources and capability of P-LA Company are summarized and analyzed, and the strategic management situation of peer enterprises is analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of P-LA Company are deduced. Through the analysis of SWOT model and QSPM matrix, the future strategies of P-LA company in the company layer, business layer and function layer are determined, and the implementation measures and methods are put forward. The conclusion of the study is as follows: the development of P-LA 's garden industry is influenced by the urbanization construction and the continuous demand of real estate market, so the company is in a better strategic position at present. At the same time, the company has more adequate resources, facing more opportunities, the overall strategic nature of biased growth strategy. The study concluded that the company's current strategy should be: 1. Main strategy: consolidate the original real estate garden business, appropriate to open up municipal garden business, ecological restoration business; 2. Sub-strategy: at present, the company book cash is sufficient, can appropriately introduce the integration of upstream and downstream resources of the industry and M & A strategy. 3. Assistant strategy: explore new market segments and look for blue sea business in related industries;


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