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发布时间:2018-04-27 04:37

  本文选题:县域房地产 + 营销组合 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:纵观近两年的房地产市场新变化,“城镇化”俨然为房企在一线住宅市场调控之外打开一个广阔的蓝海空间。对于未来城镇化走向,中央明确提出的“积极稳妥推进以人为核心的新型城镇化,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展”的表态,而根据十二五规划,“城镇化”成为未来中国经济扩内需的主要方式。放宽中小城市和城镇户籍限制、促进符合条件的农业转移人口能够逐渐在城镇就业和落户,从而成为推进城镇化的重要方案。许多开发商也因此嗅到在城镇化进程中县级城市的开发潜力。可以预见的是,在未来五年,随着中国城市化浪潮的进一步深化,县级城市将成为重点区域。 房地产行业的快速发展,令大城市房地产市场发展逐步成熟完善,近几年随着城镇化进程推进速度加快,其结果就是住房需求压力猛然增大,而县域地区是城市和农村理所当然的中间地带,这可想而知给县域地区的房地产市场带来了巨大的商机。政府和开发商应当关注并重视县级房地产业的开发,城镇房地产市场的拓展,使其真正成为县域经济的新增长点。本文通过对湖北省潜江市东升房地产公司“盛世龙城”房地产项目营销模式的研究,提出了一些行之有效的方案。在理论方面,运用房地产营销理论,应对我国县级市的房地产市场特征,通过需求和供给两个方面,结合当地的地理环境,对我国县级市的房地产营销模式进行针对性的探索。在实际方面,借鉴一二线城市完善的房地产营销策略理论,结合具体房地产开发商的运营情况,协助房地产开发商制定行之有效的房地产营销策略。 对于县域房地产营销项目的研究,本文主要采用以下研究方法:(1)文献资料研究法。(2)问卷调查法。(3)访谈法。(4)统计计量法。(5)归纳演绎法。(6)模型分析法。通过建立传统的SWOT模型和PEST模型,分析某一具体的企业和城市的宏观环境和机会威胁。 本文的研究力图实现以下几个成果:首先,在理论上完善4P理论,使其在中国化、房地产化过程中有所保障,有所利用,有所实现。其次,在实践中帮助县级市的房地产开发商制定切实可行且高效科学的营销组合模式,为其营销策略提供理论支持和技术保障。最后,在我国加速城镇化进程中,站在供给方角度,分析县级城市的购房需求,从房地产营销方面探究拉动内需的局部方案。
[Abstract]:Looking at the new changes in the real estate market in the past two years, "urbanization" has opened up a vast blue sea space for housing enterprises outside the regulation and control of the front-line housing market. Regarding the trend of urbanization in the future, the Central Committee has clearly put forward the position of "actively and steadily promoting a new type of urbanization with people as the core to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market." and according to the 12th Five-Year Plan, Urbanization has become the main way to expand domestic demand in China's economy in the future. Relaxing the restrictions of household registration in small and medium-sized cities and towns, and promoting the qualified agricultural transfer population can gradually obtain employment and settle down in cities and towns, and thus become an important plan to promote urbanization. Many developers also sniff out the development potential of county-level cities in the process of urbanization. It can be predicted that in the next five years, with the further deepening of urbanization in China, county-level cities will become key areas. With the rapid development of the real estate industry, the development of the real estate market in big cities has gradually matured and improved. In recent years, with the acceleration of the urbanization process, the pressure on housing demand has increased sharply. The county area is the natural middle zone between the city and the countryside, which brings huge business opportunities to the real estate market in the county area. The government and developers should pay attention to the development of county-level real estate industry and the development of urban real estate market, making it a new growth point of county economy. Based on the research on the marketing model of Dongsheng Real Estate Company of Qianjiang City, Hubei Province, this paper puts forward some effective schemes. In theory, using the theory of real estate marketing, we should probe into the real estate marketing mode of county-level cities in our country through two aspects of demand and supply, combining with the local geographical environment, and dealing with the characteristics of the real estate market in county-level cities of our country. In the practical aspect, drawing lessons from the perfect real estate marketing strategy theory of the first and second tier cities, and combining the operation situation of the specific real estate developers, we can help the real estate developers to formulate effective real estate marketing strategies. For the research of county real estate marketing project, this paper mainly adopts the following research methods: 1) literature research method. 2) questionnaire survey method. 3) interview method. 4) Statistical metrology method. 5) inductive deductive method. Through the establishment of traditional SWOT model and PEST model, the macro environment and opportunity threat of a specific enterprise and city are analyzed. This paper tries to achieve the following results: first, improve the 4P theory in theory, make it in China, real estate in the process of protection, utilization, to achieve. Secondly, in practice, it helps the real estate developers in county-level cities to establish a feasible and efficient and scientific marketing combination model, which provides theoretical support and technical support for their marketing strategies. Finally, in the process of accelerating urbanization in our country, from the point of view of supply side, this paper analyzes the demand for housing purchase in county-level cities, and explores the local scheme of stimulating domestic demand from the aspect of real estate marketing.


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