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发布时间:2018-04-27 05:13

  本文选题:挣值法 + 成本管理 ; 参考:《北京工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:成本管理好坏是决定房地产开发项目是否具有经济利益的前提,是房地产开发项目管理的重要环节。据统计,除了土地成本以外,占开发成本70~80%的施工阶段建筑安装成本,成为成本管理的重中之重,是房地产开发项目盈利与否的关键步骤。但目前房地产开发企业在项目开发过程中,一味追求开发进度,而没有充分考虑开发进度与开发成本之间的关系,这种情况在施工阶段显得尤为突出。如何从进度和成本两个方面对项目进行控制,是项目管理的一个难点。 本文以这个难点作为切入点,利用先进的成本、进度控制方法--挣值法,构建了控制模型。挣值理论的独特之处在于用预算和费用来衡量工程项目的进度。但挣值理论在我国还处在比较低水平的阶段。尤其是建筑领域。本文通过对北京X17项目施工阶段进度和成本的控制目标和实际数据进行采集,,利用挣值法对项目的实际进度和成本进行分析,针对出现的成本和进度偏差,提出可行的改进措施,予以实施,最终使项目达到了的成本节约和进度提前的控制目标。 本论文首先对挣值法的发展情况进行了调查和研究,尤其是我国国内的应用情况,并根据国外应用的先进经验,指出我国研究的不足。并对挣值理论和技术方法,做了归纳总结。 其次,对施工阶段成本控制的常用方法做了调研和阐述,并提出房地产开发项目施工阶段成本控制的关键性和工作内容以及常用方法做了归纳和总结。 再次,针对北京X17项目这个具体的项目实际采集数据,通过挣值法分析项目成本和进度管理存在的问题及解决方案,并制定了切实可行的改进措施。 最后,对挣值理论和技术方法,做了经验总结。
[Abstract]:Cost management is the premise to decide whether the real estate development project has economic benefits or not, and it is also an important link in the real estate development project management. According to statistics, in addition to the land cost, the construction installation cost in construction stage, which accounts for 70% or 80% of the development cost, has become the most important part of cost management, and is the key step for real estate development projects to be profitable or not. However, in the process of project development, the real estate development enterprises blindly pursue the development progress without fully considering the relationship between the development progress and the development cost. This situation is particularly prominent in the construction stage. How to control the project from two aspects of schedule and cost is a difficulty in project management. This paper takes this difficulty as the breakthrough point and constructs the control model by using the advanced cost and schedule control method-earned value method. Earned value theory is unique in the budget and cost to measure the progress of the project. But earned value theory in our country is still in a relatively low level. Especially in the field of architecture. In this paper, through the acquisition of the control target and actual data of the progress and cost in the construction phase of Beijing X17 project, the actual progress and cost of the project are analyzed by the earned value method, and the deviation of the cost and schedule appears in the light of the deviation of the cost and schedule. Put forward the feasible improvement measures, implement, finally make the project achieve the cost saving and progress ahead of schedule control goal. This paper firstly investigates and studies the development of earned value method, especially the domestic application in our country, and points out the deficiency of our country's research according to the advanced experience of overseas application. And the earned value theory and technical methods, made a summary. Secondly, the common methods of cost control in construction stage are investigated and expounded, and the key and working contents of cost control in construction stage of real estate development project are summarized and summarized. Thirdly, according to the actual data collection of Beijing X17 project, the problems and solutions of project cost and schedule management are analyzed by earned value method, and practical improvement measures are worked out. Finally, the earned value theory and technical methods are summarized.


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