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发布时间:2018-04-28 10:53

  本文选题:房屋拆迁 + 民事补偿制度 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of Chinese economy, especially the policy prospect of relying on infrastructure construction to pull the economy and the rapid development of urbanization process, land expropriation, house demolition and a series of problems are gradually becoming social hot spots. It not only involves the vital interests of thousands of people who have been demolished, but also tests the ability and level of the government to enforce the law. As a researcher of economic law, while studying the interest distribution system of land expropriation, we focus on the angle of incremental interest after land expropriation. This paper analyzes and studies the reconstruction of land expropriation and distribution system. In the past, only the legal system of civil compensation was used to adjust the interest relationship in the house demolition. The urban house demolition only compensates for its property loss, and the rural house demolition only compensates for its property loss, and gives a certain amount of rehousing subsidy. In this case, it seems that the demolition person has a good reason to require the demolition person to obey the demolition; at the same time, some demolition people even rely on the power of the judicial organs to force the demolition. In fact, there are still many defects in the demolition system which only gives civil compensation. Moreover, there are also many defects in the demolition system of civil compensation. Therefore, there are many malignant cases of house demolition. So, how to improve the housing demolition system? Based on the economic law theory of adjusting incremental interest relationship, this paper puts forward that we should construct a legal system to adjust the incremental interest relationship in house demolition on the basis of perfecting the system of substantive law and procedural law of house demolition with civil compensation. Because the demolition person (the government and the government concerned department) and the land use unit, usually is carries on the construction according to the public interest need, moreover, the demolition person is the representative of the whole social development benefit, requests the demolition person to obey the demolition. The problem is that even if the subject gets the civil compensation for the demolition, the demolition person and the land unit will not necessarily enjoy the priority of land use, nor will they have the obligation to protect their priority. Because in this process, the demolition person and the land use unit actually realized their own increment benefit maximization, but the person who was demolished could not share its increment benefit, and the national whole interest and the social public interest also did not get the safeguard. This is the real estate overheating and demolition disputes remain high important reasons. Therefore, the author argues that the housing demolition should distinguish between the urban housing demolition and the rural housing demolition, on the basis of perfecting the civil compensation entity and the procedure system. Reconstructing the legal system which can protect the whole country and the person to be demolished to share the incremental benefits of the house demolition. This paper focuses on the legal issues of the legal system in which the occupants share the incremental benefits of the house demolition.


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