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发布时间:2018-04-28 08:42

  本文选题:商业地产 + 项目竞争力 ; 参考:《西安建筑科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着国家对住宅市场调控力度的不断加强以及城镇化的快速发展,房地产行业的资本大量地涌入到商业地产项目的建设中去。但是由于空置率高、同质化现象严重等诸多问题的出现显露出了商业地产项目的竞争劣势,特别是忽视商业地产项目的后期运营,导致了商业地产项目缺乏较强的竞争力,项目运营失败的情形不断地在增多。因此如何构建一种符合商业地产特点的项目竞争力评价指标体系已成为学术界和商业地产界共同致力于解决的热点问题。 论文针对商业地产项目的特点和实际情况,在深入研究项目竞争力理论的基础上,提出了商业地产项目竞争力的概念和特点,结合钻石模型理论并对其进行修正分析了商业地产项目竞争力的影响因素,构建了商业地产项目竞争力评价指标体系。采用模糊综合评价法和层次分析法建立了商业地产项目竞争力评价模型,找到了最能影响商业地产项目竞争力的五个指标,,同时将该评价模型具体运用到两个在建项目并进行对比分析,得出益田假日广场项目较华联万柳项目更具竞争力,结合项目相关的数据调查研究,证明了两个项目的结果分析较符合实际情况,验证了该模型的可操作性。 结果表明,在钻石模型理论视角下,对商业地产项目竞争力进行系统有效地分析,有利于开发商更为全面准确地把握该项目的竞争优劣势,进而扬长避短做出合理正确的修改方案。此外,研究成果更进一步丰富完善了项目竞争力的理论,同时也提升了寻找项目竞争力影响因素的理论效度。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous strengthening of the regulation of the housing market and the rapid development of the urbanization, the capital of the real estate industry has poured into the construction of commercial real estate projects. However, many problems, such as high vacancy rate and serious homogeneity, have revealed the competitive disadvantage of the commercial real estate projects, especially the neglect. The late operation of commercial real estate projects leads to the lack of strong competitiveness of commercial real estate projects and the increase in the failure of the project operation. Therefore, how to build a project competitiveness evaluation index system which is in line with the characteristics of commercial real estate has become a hot issue in the academic and commercial field.
In view of the characteristics and actual situation of commercial real estate projects, this paper puts forward the concept and characteristics of the competitiveness of commercial real estate projects on the basis of the in-depth study of the theory of project competitiveness. It combines the diamond model theory and modifies the influence factors of the competitiveness of commercial real estate projects, and constructs the competitiveness evaluation of commercial real estate projects. The evaluation model of commercial real estate project competitiveness is established by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and five indexes that can most influence the competitiveness of commercial real estate projects are found. At the same time, the evaluation model is applied to two construction projects and is compared and analyzed, and the Yitian holiday Plaza project is more than China Federation of willow items. The results of the two projects are more consistent with the actual situation, and the operability of the model is verified.
The results show that, in the perspective of diamond model theory, the systematic and effective analysis of the competitiveness of commercial real estate projects is beneficial to the developers to grasp the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the project more comprehensively and accurately, and then develop a reasonable and correct modification plan. In addition, the research results further enrich the theory of the competitiveness of the project. At the same time, it also improves the theoretical validity of influencing factors of project competitiveness.



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