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发布时间:2018-04-30 16:01

  本文选题:土地储备 + 地方政府 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:土地储备制度在我国拥有极其重要的地位,直接关系到地方政府的财政利益。近年来房地产发展过程的问题更是将关于土地储备制度推到了风口浪尖,土地储备制度是否应当废弃?亦或如何进行完善?在这样一种背景下,本文从法律制度完善的角度,对土地储备制度进行了研究和分析。 首先,本文研究了土地储备的背景和国内外研究现状,阐述了目前学界关于土地储备制度的一些具有代表性观点,提出了文章的具体研究目标和方法。对土地储备制度的基本问题进行了研究,并回顾了我国土地储备制度的发展历史。同时本文从土地储备制度的经济价值角度,就土地储备制度的存废之争提出了应当继续保有土地储备制度的观点。但是土地储备在在实施现状中确实存在很多问题,本文根据一起典型案例,揭示出土地储备制度在实践中的复杂性,并进一步分析了现有土地储备法律制度的缺陷,对域外的土地储备制度的先进经验进行了研究和总结,分析了土地储备创始国荷兰,与我国土地制度比较接近的瑞典和法国,以及香港的另一类解决方案——土地批租制度,对这些域外制度的经验进行了总结。最后,针对这些缺陷,结合域外国家和地区的经验,本文提出了完善建议,具体包括提高土地储备的立法层级;明确土地储备机构的职责和义务,强调和细化该机构的公共职能;建立以外部监督为核心机制的监管制度、评价体系和定期公示制度;限缩土地储备范围;保障集体所有制土地主体的权益。
[Abstract]:The land reserve system has an extremely important position in our country, which is directly related to the financial interests of the local government. In recent years, the real estate development process has pushed the land reserve system to the top of the wave. Should the land reserve system be abandoned? Or how to improve it? In such a background, this paper studies and analyzes the land reserve system from the perspective of the perfection of legal system. First of all, this paper studies the background of the land reserve and the current research situation at home and abroad, expounds some representative views of the current academic community on the land reserve system, and puts forward the specific research objectives and methods of the article. The basic problems of land reserve system are studied, and the development history of land reserve system in China is reviewed. At the same time, from the angle of economic value of land reserve system, this paper puts forward the point of view that the land reserve system should be maintained. However, there are many problems in the implementation of land reserve. According to a typical case, this paper reveals the complexity of land reserve system in practice, and further analyzes the defects of the existing land reserve legal system. This paper studies and summarizes the advanced experience of the land reserve system outside the territory, and analyzes the land lease system, another kind of solution in Hong Kong, that is, the Netherlands, the founding member of the land reserve, Sweden and France, which are quite close to the land system of our country, and Hong Kong. The experiences of these extraterritorial regimes are summarized. Finally, in view of these shortcomings, combined with the experience of foreign countries and regions, this paper puts forward some suggestions, including improving the legislative level of land reserve, clarifying the duties and obligations of land reserve institutions, It emphasizes and refines the public functions of the institution, establishes a supervisory system with external supervision as the core mechanism, an evaluation system and a regular publicity system, limits the scope of land reserve and guarantees the rights and interests of the land subject under collective ownership.


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