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发布时间:2018-05-01 13:10

  本文选题:房地产 + 文化策划 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:营销是一门随着市场繁荣而逐渐兴起的专业,在我国上世纪七十年代末,物品结束了配给制,走向市场化运作,物品也逐渐转变为商品。营销作为市场化的配角来开始在各个行业和领域被广泛的应用。二十世纪末,从住房结束了福利分房进入商品化市场开始,营销也开始在房地产领域被广泛的应用。 中国房地产业从70年代至今已经有三十年的时间。这段时间,房地产行业圆了人们的安居梦,也改变了人们的生活方式,住房已不再是短缺的商品,人们的居住方式也逐步从生存型向舒适型转变;商业项目,也从简单的商场配套需求,升级为集办公、商业、文化等多种功能的复合商业地产,自然而然地,人们产生了对居住及地产文化的普遍诉求,教育地产、运动地产、山水地产、旅游地产,公园地产等应运而生,商业地产、产业地产方兴未艾。 本文以四川长虹置业有限公司开发的住宅项目——长虹世纪城为研究对象。通过对房地产营销理论概述,并结合目前房地产市场营销发展的现状以及该项目的具体情况,研究文化策划在房地产营销中的重要意义,如何通过文化的植入提升房地产竞争优势的目的。研究过程中主要采取理论与实践相结合的方式,借助于马斯洛需求理念,探索人类在不同的时期表现出来的各种需要的迫切程度,导出房地产不仅仅是人们生活的基本需要,更应揉合地域文化和生态环境,以反映生活习俗、文化观、价值观,是人们追求的理想状态的生活方式和状态,进而引出文化策划在房地产新营销环境下的必要性。本文理论知识还将运用到战略管理的SWOT分析法,4CS营销理论等。笔者根据目前房地产文化策划的现状,以及长虹世纪城项目的文化策划实践工作中的应用分析,为房地产文化策划实施总结出一套切实可行的方法,,有助于形成房地产产品的核心竞争力,建立房地产品牌独特的文化元素,在企业核心能力的塑造中起到关键作用,提升房地产项目的核心价值,充分使用社会资源。
[Abstract]:Marketing is a profession rising with the prosperity of the market. In the late seventies of last century, the goods ended the rationing system and moved to the market-oriented operation, and the goods were gradually transformed into commodities. Marketing as a supporting role in the market has been widely used in various industries and fields. At the end of the 20th century, from the end of housing to the commercial market, marketing began to be widely used in the field of real estate. China's real estate industry has been for 30 years since the 1970s. During this period, the real estate industry has fulfilled people's dream of living in peace and changed people's way of life. Housing is no longer a commodity in short supply, and people's way of living has gradually changed from a survival type to a comfortable one. From a simple shopping mall to a complex commercial real estate with functions of office, commerce, culture, etc., naturally, people have a universal demand for housing and real estate culture, education real estate, sports real estate, landscape real estate, etc. Tourism real estate, park real estate emerged as the times require, commercial real estate, industrial real estate is in the ascendant. This paper takes Changhong Century City, a residential project developed by Sichuan Changhong Real Estate Co., Ltd. By summarizing the theory of real estate marketing, combining with the current situation of the development of real estate marketing and the specific situation of the project, this paper studies the significance of cultural planning in real estate marketing. How to promote the competitive advantage of real estate through the implantation of culture. In the course of the research, we mainly adopt the method of combining theory and practice, with the aid of Maslow's concept of demand, to explore the urgency of various needs of human beings in different periods, and to derive that real estate is not only the basic need of people's life. The regional culture and ecological environment should be combined to reflect the living customs, cultural views and values, which are the life style and state of the ideal state pursued by people, which leads to the necessity of cultural planning in the new marketing environment of real estate. The theoretical knowledge of this paper will also be applied to the SWOT analysis of strategic management and the marketing theory of 4 CS. According to the present situation of the real estate cultural planning and the application analysis of the cultural planning practice of the Changhong Century City Project, the author sums up a set of feasible methods for the implementation of the real estate cultural planning. It helps to form the core competitiveness of real estate products, establish the unique cultural elements of real estate brands, play a key role in shaping the core competence of enterprises, promote the core value of real estate projects, and make full use of social resources.


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