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发布时间:2018-05-01 16:07

  本文选题:资源枯竭型城市 + 可持续发展 ; 参考:《长安大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:资源枯竭型城市指矿产资源即将枯竭的资源型城市,它们大都面临着环境(特别是矿区的地质环境)遭到严重的扰动和破坏、经济发展缓滞、失业人口增多、城市基础建设落后、社会不稳定因素增加等发展瓶颈,如何充分利用已有的资源,实现其经济社会转型和健康可持续发展,,是世界各国的矿业城市普遍面临的难题。 石嘴山市是国家“一五”时期布局建设的全国十大煤炭工业基地之一,40余年来为国家和地区的经济社会发展做出了巨大的贡献。但是历经近半个世纪高强度的矿业开发之后,煤炭资源日益枯竭,曾经的支柱产业—煤炭产业受到重创,经济下滑且环境遭到极大的破坏,发展亟需转型,于2008年被列为我国首批资源枯竭型城市。因此,对石嘴山市矿山地质环境的综合治理、改善矿区和城市生态环境、重新奠定经济社会赖以健康持续发展的环境基础、保护性开发利用遗留矿业遗迹资源、以及建设国家矿山公园对其经济转型的促进作用的研究,具有重大的现实意义。 本文的研究范围是惠农采煤塌陷区和拟建石嘴山国家矿山公园的规划区域,以石嘴山矿山由一个矿山地质环境问题严重的矿业“遗体”向旅游胜地—国家矿山公园的转变之路为研究视角,在充分收集前人研究资料的基础上,采用实地调查法、文献法、案例研究法和归纳演绎法等研究手段,以可持续发展理论为指导,对矿山地质环境的保护性综合治理和可持续发展理论指导下的国家矿山公园建设进行了研究。表明其建设促进了矿山地质环境和石嘴山市环境的改善,实现了矿业遗迹的保护性开发利用,带动了城市建设、房地产经济、旅游业和相关第三产业经济、水产业以及生态农业经济的发展,为当地提供大量的就业岗位、基础设施等社会服务,对石嘴山市的经济社会转型具有重大的推进作用,是其实现可持续发展的重要途径。研究成果可为类似资源枯竭型城市的转型提供参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:Resource exhausted cities refer to the resource-based cities which are about to be exhausted. Most of them are faced with serious disturbance and destruction, the slow economic development, the increase of unemployment, the backward urban construction and the increase of social instability, and how to make full use of the existing resources. To realize its economic and social transformation and healthy and sustainable development is a difficult problem faced by mining cities all over the world.
Shizuishan city is one of the ten largest coal industrial bases in the national "15" period. In more than 40 years, it has made great contributions to the economic and social development of the country and the region. But after the development of high intensity mining industry for nearly half a century, the coal resources are increasingly exhausted, and the pillar industry, the coal industry, has been severely damaged. The economic downturn and the environment have been greatly destroyed, the development is urgently needed to transform. In 2008, it was listed as the first batch of resource exhausted cities in China. Therefore, the comprehensive management of the mine geological environment in Shizuishan, the improvement of the mining area and the urban ecological environment, the re establishment of the environmental basis for the healthy and sustainable development of the economy and society, and the protective exploitation and utilization of the remnants of the mine. It is of great practical significance to study the heritage resources and the role of national mine parks in promoting their economic transformation.
The research scope of this paper is the planning area of the coal mining subsidence area and the proposed national mine park in Shizuishan. It takes the Shizuishan mine from a mining "remains" which is a serious mine geological environment problem to the tourist resort - the National Mine Park. On the basis of the theory of sustainable development, the construction of National Mine Park under the guidance of the comprehensive protection and sustainable development theory of mine geological environment is studied with the method of land investigation, literature, case study and induction and deduction. It shows that the construction of mine geological environment and the improvement of Shizuishan environment are promoted. It has realized the protective exploitation and utilization of the mining relics, led to the urban construction, the real estate economy, the tourism industry and the related third industry economy, the development of the aquatic industry and the ecological agricultural economy, and provided a large number of jobs, infrastructure and other social services for the local government, which had a great impetus to the economic and social transformation of Shizuishan. It is an important way to achieve sustainable development. The research results can provide reference and reference for the transformation of similar resource exhausted cities.



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