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发布时间:2018-05-01 17:11

  本文选题:民生建设 + 时代背景 ; 参考:《首都师范大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:People's livelihood work is an important work of the ruling Communist Party of China. Paying attention to the people's livelihood, ensuring and improving the people's livelihood is the foundation of the Communist Party of China's administration, the goal to be achieved by China's reform and opening up, and the important part of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the 16th National Congress of the CPC, the profound changes of the world, national conditions and Party feelings have put forward new challenges and requirements for the construction of the people's livelihood of the Communist Party of China. The Party Central Committee, with Hu Jintao as its general secretary, has put forward a series of new ideas on the construction of people's livelihood on the basis of inheriting the people's livelihood thoughts of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and the people's livelihood in the new century and the new stage of the people's livelihood work, in the light of the new situation and new problems faced by the people's livelihood work. New conclusions, such as carrying out the construction of people's livelihood under the guidance of the scientific development view, building a harmonious socialist society to provide a good environment for the construction of the people's livelihood, and vigorously strengthening the construction of the ruling party to provide a strong guarantee for the construction of the people's livelihood, etc. And has implemented a series of new measures to promote people's livelihood work, such as establishing a mechanism for people to participate in the construction of people's livelihood, expanding the channels for improving people's livelihood construction, gradually establishing a universal medical and social security system, and strictly regulating and controlling the real estate market. The ways of innovating the construction of people's livelihood. Although the people's livelihood has been greatly improved since the 16th National Congress of the National people's Congress, the people's consciousness of participating in the construction of the people's livelihood is weak because of the imperfection of the operating mechanism of the construction of the people's livelihood. There are still some problems in the practice of people's livelihood construction, such as insufficient financial investment, imbalance of political and economic development, social stratum change, international financial crisis and European debt crisis, such as high prices, high housing prices, and so on. The unemployment rate continues to rise, the social security and medical systems are not perfect, the education is not fair, and so on. These problems have become the bottleneck of our country's economic and social development. The theoretical and practical exploration of the construction of the people's livelihood of the CPC since the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has provided important experience and inspiration for the construction of people's livelihood in the future. The main points are: the Party and the government should establish and perfect the system and mechanism for the construction of the people's livelihood. We should increase the financial input for the construction of people's livelihood, solve the practical problems related to the people's livelihood, give play to the pioneering and exemplary role of the Communist Party members in the construction of the people's livelihood, and strengthen the anticorrosion to further promote the solution of the livelihood problems and the construction of a harmonious society.


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