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发布时间:2018-05-02 14:54

  本文选题:不动产 + 异议登记 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国的不动产异议登记制度在《物权法》以及《房屋登记办法》等法律法规上介绍的十分笼统,致使理论界众说纷纭,实务操作中“千姿百态”,长此以往,势必消磨司法的权威。因此理论界与实务界有必要统一口径,,厘清理论上的盘根错节,方能在实务中做到明确操作程序,最大限度的保护权利人的合法权益,也为房地产市场扫清制度障碍,从而促进我国经济的健康发展。本文以典型案例为视角,以理论以及实务操作中出现的争议焦点为源头,对我国的不动产异议登记制度号脉问诊,以求不动产异议登记制度的相关理论与实务达到统一。 本文除去引言和结语,分为三大章: 第一章是异议登记的申请。本章分为四个小节。分别为:异议登记申请人的范围,权利人不同意更正是否为异议登记的前置要件?异议登记的申请限制,注销登记依申请还是依职权。通过剖析理论以及实务中的争议,寻找定纷止争的解决方案。 第二、三两章是本文的重点,将异议登记制度的效力以及不动产异议登记纠纷下导致的不动产纠纷案的诉讼程序的选择为研究对象。以典型案例为切入点,一一分析实务与理论之间的争议焦点,明悉当前立法缺陷以及立法空白所导致的实务操作中的困境,并对异议登记制度的健全完善作出超前探讨,同时提出可行性方案。希望尝试不动产登记制度在理论阐释能与实务操作达到无缝对接。
[Abstract]:The real estate objection registration system in our country is very general in the laws and regulations, such as the Real right Law and the method of Housing Registration, which leads to different opinions in the theoretical circle and "various forms" in the practical operation. The authority of the judiciary is bound to diminish. Therefore, it is necessary for the theoretical and practical circles to unify their calibre and clarify the theoretical intersections in order to make clear the operating procedures in practice, to maximize the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the right holders, and to clear up the system obstacles for the real estate market. In order to promote the healthy development of our economy. From the perspective of typical cases and with the focus of disputes in theory and practice as the source, this paper makes inquiries into the real estate objection registration system in our country, in order to achieve the unity of the relevant theory and practice of the real estate objection registration system. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into three chapters: The first chapter is the application of objection registration. This chapter is divided into four sections. Respectively: the scope of the applicant for objection registration, the obligee does not agree to correct whether the pre-registration of objection requirements? Limitation of application for dissenting registration, cancellation of registration shall be subject to application or authority. Through the analysis of the theory and practice of disputes, to find a solution to resolve disputes. Second, chapter three and two are the focus of this paper, the effectiveness of the objection registration system and the real estate disputes caused by the dispute of real estate disputes under the choice of real estate disputes as the object of study. Taking typical cases as the starting point, this paper analyzes the dispute focus between practice and theory one by one, finds out the current legislative defects and the difficulties in practical operation caused by the blank legislation, and probes into the perfection and perfection of the dissent registration system ahead of time. At the same time, the feasibility scheme is proposed. I hope to try the real estate registration system in theoretical interpretation and practical operation to achieve seamless docking.


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