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发布时间:2018-05-02 13:13

  本文选题:房地产策划 + 现实问题 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,房地产策划行业作为新兴行业之一在我国得到了极大的推广和发展。随着时代的进步和社会分工的逐渐细化,房地产策划行业在房地产发展过程中的作用越来越明显,已经成为了我国房地产业的重要组成部分。目前房地产策划行业虽正处于起步阶段,伴随着房地产业的发展,房地产策划行业仍取得了骄人的成绩。主要表现在策划企业项目代理的市场份额逐渐增大、策划公司根据市场需求积极调整业务、房地产策划行业盈利能力增强等等。正因为如此,越来越多的房地产公司愿意选择策划企业进行项目策划代理,策划企业的策划工作不断完善和成熟。 发展迅速的同时必然会出现问题,房地产策划公司也是如此。行业发展的弊端正在深入到房地产策划行业各个层面中,特别是体现在行业整体层面、政府层面以及策划企业层面中。这些问题的存在不仅极大的影响了房地产策划行业的健康发展,,更在一定程度上阻碍了房地产市场的正常运转。因此,寻求房地产策划行业存在的问题根源,探索如何对行业实施有效的监督管理,以提高房地产策划行业整体水平,是现阶段亟需解决的问题。 鉴于此,本文对我国房地产策划行业的现实问题进行了较深入的研究,分析了所存在问题的根源,积极探索了完善房地产策划行业的对策和具体措施。为了使所研究问题的主体更加明确,更具有针对性,本文将房地产策划行业分解成行业整体、政府部门以及策划企业三个层面进行研究。首先对于房地产行业的定义及历史沿革进行概述,从行业区域发展特点、行业盈利能力分析以及行业发展环境三方面分析行业发展现状,在此基础上分析每一个层面所出现的问题,寻找问题的根源所在,并给出相应的应对措施。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the real estate planning industry as one of the emerging industries in China has been greatly promoted and developed. With the progress of the times and the gradual refinement of the social division of labor, the role of the real estate planning industry in the real estate development process is becoming more and more obvious, which has become an important part of the real estate industry in China. Although the real estate planning industry is in its infancy, with the development of the real estate industry, the real estate planning industry has made remarkable achievements. The main performance is that the market share of the enterprise project agent increases gradually, the planning company adjusts the business according to the market demand, and the profit ability of the real estate planning industry increases. Because of this, more and more real estate companies are willing to choose planning enterprises for project planning agent, planning enterprise planning work is constantly perfect and mature. Rapid development at the same time will inevitably appear problems, real estate planning company is the same. The malpractice of the development of the industry is going deep into all levels of the real estate planning industry, especially at the whole level of the industry, the level of the government and the level of the planning enterprise. The existence of these problems not only greatly affects the healthy development of the real estate planning industry, but also hinders the normal operation of the real estate market to a certain extent. Therefore, it is urgent to seek the root cause of the problems existing in the real estate planning industry and to explore how to implement effective supervision and management to improve the overall level of the real estate planning industry. In view of this, this article has carried on the thorough research to our country real estate plan profession realistic question, has analyzed the existence question root, has positively explored the consummation real estate plan profession countermeasure and the concrete measure. In order to make the subject of the research more clear and targeted, this paper divides the real estate planning industry into three levels: the whole industry, the government department and the planning enterprise. First of all, the definition and historical evolution of the real estate industry are summarized, and the current situation of the industry development is analyzed from three aspects: the characteristics of the industry regional development, the industry profitability analysis and the industry development environment. On this basis, the problems in each level are analyzed, the root of the problem is found, and the corresponding countermeasures are given.


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