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发布时间:2018-05-04 11:39

  本文选题:居住区 + 建筑风环境 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:居住区风环境是城市生态环境的重要组成部分,是良好人居环境的重要表现。随着经济社会的不断发展,我国预计到2050年城镇化率将达到70%左右,城市规模的不断扩大,科技的创新发展高层建筑、超高层建筑、大型住宅小区等新型居住区的涌现,在这些新型的社区里边产生各种对生活工作环境的不良影响的问题。这主要是因为当前在我国的城市建设、房地产开发等更多的是注重其功能布置、美观设计和空间的利用,很少考虑高密度建筑群所形成的居住区风环境状况,及其对人们生活、行动、健康及安全、以及能源的利用的影响。同时基于对社会的可持续发展追求,,营造安全、舒适、健康又绿色节能生态城市,开展对居住区行人高度风环境的研究,对建筑风环境进行规范管理,显得必要而且迫切。 本文以广州某新建居住区项目的室外行人高度风环境为研究对象,总结国内外最新的居住区风环境研究成果,提出了行人的舒适感与风速之间的关系。风环境评估标准主要包含两大方面的内容:针对不同行人活动类型的恰当的风速范围,以及出现该风速的可接受频率。风环境的主要感受对象是人,通过在风洞中的进行模拟试验,测量人可涉足位置以上的人行高度处,在不同风向角向影响下的平均风速,根据测得的数据,计算风速比,确定建筑物与风之间的空气动力效应。首先,根据ESDU的数字风力模拟并与设计方协商,预测和估计测试区域内风速剖面指数和湍流剖面;为了得到项目所在地所符合要求的边界层条件,统计和分析项目所在地的气候资料,在建筑风洞内进行了边界层调试,从而确定项目的大气边界层条件;然后,针对该某居住区项目建立1:300缩尺比刚性模型,对该项目的居住区风环境环境条件进行模拟,根据预测和估计的风环境影响重要环境区域,在主要的风口位置及建筑物周围布置风环境测试探头,并在建筑风洞试验室中进行风环境试验,获得该项目新建8栋塔楼周围近地面处不同风向角下各测点的风速比。结合该新建项目所在地的气象资料,根据各项评价指标分析和评估该项目所形成的居住区行人高度处的风环境状况。由试验结果可知,由于本项目周边建筑较多、建筑密度大,风速比分布规律性不强,但一般规律来看,较大的风速比基本分布在建筑间贯穿的通道和高层建筑的拐角处。 最后,通过本项目的居住区风环境研究,寻找居住区建筑群风环境的一般规律,提出一些在改善居住区风环境的规划、设计策略方面的建议,对房地产行业、绿色建筑的前期规划设计具有一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:Residential wind environment is an important part of urban ecological environment and an important expression of good human settlement environment. With the development of economy and society, the urbanization rate of our country is expected to reach about 70% by 2050, the scale of the city is expanding, and the new residential areas, such as high-rise buildings, super high-rise buildings, large residential areas, etc., are emerging in the innovation and development of science and technology. In these new communities there are problems with the adverse effects on the living and working environment. This is mainly due to the fact that the current urban construction and real estate development in China pay more attention to its functional layout, aesthetic design and space utilization, and seldom consider the wind environment of residential areas formed by high-density buildings and its impact on people's lives. Actions, health and safety, and the impact of energy use. At the same time, based on the pursuit of sustainable development of the society, building a safe, comfortable, healthy and green energy saving ecological city, it is necessary and urgent to carry out the research on the pedestrian high wind environment in residential areas and to regulate the building wind environment. This paper takes the outdoor pedestrian height wind environment of a new residential area project in Guangzhou as the research object, summarizes the latest research results of the residential area wind environment at home and abroad, and puts forward the relationship between pedestrian comfort and wind speed. Wind environment assessment criteria mainly include two aspects: the appropriate range of wind speed for different types of pedestrian activity and the acceptable frequency of the wind speed. The main object of the wind environment is human. Through the simulation test in the wind tunnel, the average wind speed can be measured under the influence of different wind direction angles, and the wind speed ratio can be calculated according to the measured data. Determine the aerodynamic effect between the building and the wind. First, based on ESDU's digital wind simulation and in consultation with the designer, the wind speed profile index and turbulence profile in the test area are predicted and estimated; in order to obtain the required boundary layer conditions in the project site, Statistics and analysis of the climate data of the site of the project are carried out, and the boundary layer is debugged in the building wind tunnel to determine the atmospheric boundary layer conditions of the project. Then, a 1: 300 scale ratio rigid model is established for the project in a residential area. The wind environment conditions of the residential area of the project are simulated. According to the predicted and estimated wind environment, the wind environment test probes are arranged in the main tuyere position and around the building. The wind environment test was carried out in the building wind tunnel laboratory, and the wind speed ratio of each measuring point under different wind direction angles near the ground around the 8 new towers built by the project was obtained. Based on the meteorological data of the new project, the wind environment of the pedestrian height of the residential area formed by the project is analyzed and evaluated according to the evaluation indexes. From the test results, it can be seen that because there are more buildings around the project, the building density is large, the distribution of wind speed ratio is not strong, but generally speaking, the larger wind speed ratio is basically distributed in the passageway through the building and the corner of the high-rise building. Finally, through the study of residential wind environment of this project, to find the general rules of wind environment in residential buildings, and put forward some suggestions on the planning and design strategies of improving residential wind environment, to the real estate industry, The early planning and design of green building has certain reference value.


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