本文选题:金融失衡指数 + 宏观失衡 ; 参考:《统计与决策》2017年18期
[Abstract]:Based on the causes of "macro" and "spatial" financial imbalance in the formation of systemic financial risk, this paper attempts to construct a financial imbalance index suitable for predicting regional financial risk and macroeconomic operation, and takes Jiangsu Province as a sample for empirical analysis. The conclusion shows that the regional financial imbalance index not only predicts the development trend of the risk in Jiangsu's macroeconomic and financial system, It also reveals that the financial risk mainly comes from the excessive concentration of financial resources in the field of fixed asset investment and real estate. This kind of distorted financial resource allocation structure leads to the "derealisation" of monetary funds, which results in the risk of financial system alternately fluctuating with macroeconomic operation and policy regulation and control.
【作者单位】: 中国矿业大学管理学院;中国人民银行徐州中心支行;
【基金】:全国统计科学研究计划项目(2015LY87) 江苏省社会科学应用研究精品工程项目(16YC-021)
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7 吴s,