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发布时间:2018-05-05 18:51

  本文选题:别墅 + SWOT分析 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,我国经济发展一直保持着较快速度,社会生产力明显提高,综合国力显著增强,居民收入稳步增长,中高收入阶层规模在不断扩大。随着收入的提高,人们对居住条件的要求越来越高,能提供良好居住环境的郊区别墅逐渐为新富人群所青睐。经过多年发展,中国别墅已经从短缺型的商品,变成现代都市人理想的居住产品。近几年大连别墅市场也经历了高速发展,每年都有十几个以上的项目亮相,地域分布涵盖了从主城区到旅顺、金石滩等新城区的大部分区域,范围之广是前所未有的。随着别墅项目数量的增多,其建筑风格也呈现多元化趋势,既有中国古典的园林风格,也有偏西式的欧美庄园风格等。在产品的细节上,开发商抛弃了建造普通住宅的传统粗犷方式,开始追求细节的完美。 波尔多庄园项目位于大连市金州新区金石滩国家旅游度假区西部,紧邻黄海,距大连市区58公里,车程仅40分钟。金石滩三面环海,全年气候宜人,夏无酷暑,冬少严寒,春秋晴日多,光照充足,2010年被评为国家5A级旅游景区。海昌集团为适应市场发展趋势,满足城市功能需要,在保持金石滩原有的优美自然环境的基础上,融入独特的法国红酒文化,建造一座从外观到内涵高度和谐统一的红酒庄园,将如画风景、建筑艺术、美食体验以及醉人红酒用一种巧妙的方式结合起来,在金石滩这片土地上倾力打造浪漫唯美的大型红酒主题休闲旅游地产项目。该项目主要包括古城堡酒店、酒窖、红酒博物馆、红酒酿造厂、温泉会所、红酒堡、红酒文化展示中心等建筑,波尔多庄园项目为红酒庄园项目的一期工程,产品形式包括独栋别墅、联排别墅、叠拼别墅等。 本文以波尔多庄园项目的营销策略作为研究对象,结合本人研究生课程中所学的市场营销、战略管理等学科,查阅引用经济、地产、金融、社会等方面的数据、论文和期刊的同时,以房地产营销的STP理论,4P理论,4C理论等经典理论为指导,坚持理论联系实际,理论指导实践的原则,通过对波尔多庄园项目外部环境分析、内部环境分析和竞争对手的分析,完成了项目的SWOT分析,并提出了针对波尔多庄园项目的营销策略。这既为波尔多庄园项目营销工作提供了有益帮助,也对其他房地产企业制定相似项目的营销策略提供了参考。
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's economic development has maintained a relatively rapid pace, the social productivity has improved significantly, the overall national strength has increased significantly, the income of residents has steadily increased, and the scale of the middle and high income strata has been continuously expanded. With the increase of income, the demand for living conditions is higher and higher. Suburban villas, which can provide a good living environment, are gradually favored by the newly rich. After years of development, Chinese villas have changed from a shortage of commodities to modern urban ideal residential products. In recent years, Dalian villa market has also experienced rapid development, every year more than a dozen projects appear, the geographical distribution covers most areas from the main urban area to Lushun, Jinshitan and other new urban areas, the scope of which is unprecedented. With the increase in the number of villa projects, its architectural style also presents a diversified trend, both Chinese classical garden style, but also the Western-style style of European and American manor style. In terms of product details, developers abandoned the traditional rugged way of building ordinary houses and began to pursue the perfection of detail. Bordeaux Manor project is located in the west of Jinzhou New District, Dalian, next to Huang Hai, 58 kilometers from Dalian, only 40 minutes by car. Jinshitan surrounded by sea on three sides, the weather is pleasant, summer is not hot, winter is cold, spring and autumn are sunny, light is sufficient, and it was rated as the national 5A class scenic spot in 2010. In order to adapt to the trend of market development and meet the needs of urban functions, Haichang Group integrates the unique French red wine culture into the unique French red wine culture on the basis of maintaining the original beautiful natural environment of the Gold and Stone Beach, and builds a highly harmonious and unified red wine estate from the appearance to the connotation. Combining picturesque scenery, architectural art, food experience and intoxicating red wine in a clever way, the land of Kingstone Beach is devoted to creating a large, romantic, red wine themed leisure tourism real estate project. The project mainly includes the ancient The Castle Hotel, wine cellar, red wine museum, wine brewery, hot spring club, red wine castle, wine culture exhibition center, etc. The Bordeaux Manor Project is the first phase of the red wine estate project. Products include single-family villas, townhouses, stacked villas, and so on. This article regards the marketing strategy of Bordeaux manor project as the research object, combines the marketing, strategic management and other subjects that I have learned in my graduate course, to consult and quote economic, real estate, financial, social and other data. At the same time, under the guidance of STP theory and 4C theory of real estate marketing, the paper adheres to the principle of integrating theory with practice, and analyzes the external environment of Bordeaux manor project. The SWOT analysis of the project is completed and the marketing strategy for Bordeaux estate project is put forward. This not only provides beneficial help for the marketing work of Bordeaux Manor Project, but also provides reference for other real estate enterprises to formulate marketing strategies for similar projects.


中国期刊全文数据库 前6条

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