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发布时间:2018-05-06 16:32

  本文选题:台湾房地产 + 大陆房地产 ; 参考:《南开大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:2007年金融海啸席卷全世界重挫各国经济,起因于美国房利美、房地美衍生次级房贷引发严重金融问题。突显房地产市场为民生最重要的议题,事实证明是足以撼动国家经济,甚至影响到全世界的金融秩序。但不论时代演变或社会冲击,为何总有些建案还是能顺利售罄,这是房地产企业最急于探讨的问题。 台湾房地产近十年每年推案量数千亿到2007年更是高峰达1.15兆,2008年第4季全台余屋量数7,767,945户,行销总预算从数十亿到数百亿,可谓重量级产业。近O哅型社会趋势更突显房地产市场的雨极化,地球村概念及网络无远弗界,让台湾人世界观相对提升,房地产的销售策略的运用及销售通路的建立也在这样的环境下有所突破。 自1979年以来,中国大陆房地产业整体得到的发展,对推动全体中国大陆经济、社会发展引起了重大的功能,但在迅速发展的同时房地产业,亦引起社会各地争议。尤以90年代以来,中国大陆房地产市场经历多次跌宕起伏的大变动,特别是针对目前房地产市场的销售通路发展和趋势的争论,正好说明中国大陆目前房地产市场的发展过程中,仍存在很多问题需要解决。 由此可见房地产是社会大众与产业最主要资产标的,而房地产资产价格的缩水,对于经济发展与民众财富产生冲击,因此房地产销售通路市场的健全制度,对整体经济的冲击,影响至大;房地产总体经济之稳定成长,亦须有无障碍房地产销售通路作后盾,故此论题实得为深入探讨研究之。 本文以探讨两岸房地产业的销售通路现况,及瓶颈之研究;就房地产业的经济而言,销售通路顺畅情形,与瓶颈障碍的研讨,为重点方向,故所谓货畅其流,才能地尽其利,人尽其才。本文通过研究两岸房地产业的发展历史沿革,及两岸房地产业销售通路与影响因素的差异,寻找出台湾房地产业销售通路,可为中国大陆借鉴之处。 本文共分为八章,主要各章节之内容如下分述:第一章导论;对全文的概括性介绍,通过选题背景及其意义,研究思路及其方法,与研究主要内容及结构安排说明本文写作的方向与意涵,及本文创新与难点的解决。第二章、理论与文献综述,主要阐述与房地产的经济学基础相关的五个理论,经济周期理论(Business cycle Theory)、地租理论(Landtax Theory)、泡沫经济理论(Foam Economy Theory)、消费函数理论(Theory of Consumption Function)、房地产投机理论(Theory that the real estate speculates);及论述关于房地产研究的国内外文献的分析说明;第三章、房地产相关概论与经济研究机制综述;本章为房地产相关概论与研究机制的探讨,首先从学理上界定相关房地产概论基础,接着论述销售通路相关概论界定,后为房地产经济研究机制的述说。第四章、台湾房地产市场发展概况。本章节主要内容先从台湾房地产业发展的现况做探讨;再从台湾房地产市场的发展变化进行探讨,再针对台湾房地产未来发展动向、市场的结构等,进行详实探究与归纳。第五章、台湾房地产销售通路分析。主要阐述台湾房地产经纪业制度、证券化制度与预售屋交易制度之现况、特性及发展历程与趋势展望,进行详实探究与归纳。第六章、台湾房地产销售瓶颈及应对策略。本章主要研究内容为台湾房地产销售通路的经纪业、证券化、预售屋之瓶颈所发生的问题点,和改善的对策建议。及台湾解决房地产销售瓶颈的经验总结。第七章、大陆房地产市场发展中的问题。本章主要研究内容为首先叙述大陆房地产发展的概况,再阐明大陆房地产业市场结构中的问题,及论述大陆房地产销售通路面临的问题;第八章结论与建议,本章主要为针对两岸房地产的经纪业、证券化、预售屋销售通路瓶颈,经过本文的研究后提出,并总结主要问题征结点,后再对中国大陆,改善房地产销售通路瓶颈解析出建议方案,主要是借鉴台湾经验,用于改善中国大陆目前的房地产业销售三大通路提出建言,最终总结出一些改善与借鉴办法。 本文主要的结论在于两岸房地产三大销售通路(约占销售市场百分之八十)问题点的发掘;并针对问题切中要害提出可行的改善对策;以期能对两岸房地产事业有所帮助,更促使两岸经济蓬勃发展。相较于大陆房地产业,台湾发展较早,相关销售通路渐趋完善,经由本研究以期,提供对中国大陆房地产业销售通路可借鉴之处,进而提升中国大陆房地产业发展的具体对策。 本文主要研究目的方向:第一、为促使两岸房地产业充分实现其经济效益、社会利益,并使国民经济持续稳定增长。第二、以两岸房地产业销售通路之经纪业制度、证券化制度、预售屋交易制度通路现况及瓶颈作研究,盼两岸相互取长补短,透过完善的房地产业的销售管道,以健全房地产业交易程序与制度。第三、经研究结论结合学者与企业界的意见,对两岸房地产销售通路业提出房地产业销售市场的经营方针,并完成房地产销售通路的趋势探讨。 本文的创新之处,是作者先以现场田野调查方式,一步一脚印针对房地产销售市场实地现常踩踏,并掌握现场第一手资料,且与经纪人经由预售屋与二手房买卖上手实务经验,及房地产证券化的证券采购,具有多年丰富经验,沿途并搜集房地产三大通路相关资料;如今信息的数据可与人等高,验证了理论与实务需互相配合,才能相辅相成;正所谓实务经验要有理论为后盾不然会失之于“盲”:而理论需有实务经验相配合,否则会行之于“空”;如此才不会沦为纸上谈兵,泛泛的无稽之说而已;以如此多年实务经验,配合本文的房地产经济理论方式写作论文,亦应相得益彰;虽不敢说前无古人后无来者;但也可说其创新之处,应是寥若晨星的可贵。 尤其是以现场田野调查方式,搜集到的第一手最正确的资料,(就像股票市场的内线消息一样准确),非一般经由网络或文献已经过好几手的包装,并已过时的资料所做的研究论文;故本文所做的研究结果,应为最真实的现场实务需要,而提出建议的方案最符合实际的策略,也对中国大陆房地产市场帮助最大,为一创新之点。 综观国内外文献很少以房地产销售市场面,深入探讨通路发生的问题;而以经纪业、证券化、预售屋三大主要通路,(实务上为房地产业涵括面最广大的销售市场),切入问题症结点;经由两岸房地产业不同制度、与目前现况,用“比较分析法”“归纳法”先行研讨,再用“归纳法”及“交叉比对法”同时进行,梳理比对出两岸方方面面不同处;最后详细解析研究归纳出改善决策,应是最合乎中国大陆房地产业的需要,惟独本文较为独到研究方式。 两岸同文同种,且具有共同的悠久长远五千年中华文化,历史的传统熏陶;并在儒家孔孟思想教育下,基本思维与作法较一致;与其他论文用海外其他国家的作法作比较并引用改善的对策;实务上应不适合中国大陆国情采用,故本文应用比较研究法分析两岸房地产业两种制度与现象,找出其间的异同与优劣,将之归纳成趋势、原则,以作为解决、改进问题与制度之参考;应是最适合中国大陆国情采用的策略,故笔者主要为两岸房地产经纪业、证券化、预售屋三大销售通路,经过本文的研究提出,总结主要问题的观点,最后再对大陆改善房地产销售瓶颈的建议,主要是借鉴台湾经验,针对大陆改善目前的销售状况提出建议,而总结出一些改善与借鉴办法;亦是另一创新之处。 中国大陆历经过去十几年的跳跃式经济成长,各界普遍预期未来仍可保持显著优异的“年”经济成长率。加上人民币升值趋势不变,中国大陆经济可以说具备雄厚的长线增值潜力。但中国大陆房地产市场才发展二十余年,目前尚处于调适时期,有待发展完善法令,并建构良善的销售市场通路。 本文主要结论为对,中国大陆房地产经纪人、证券化、预售屋销售市场的三大通路;所衍生的问题,对中国的政府、投资人、实务界三面向,经研究提出建言;并藉鉴台湾经验提出合乎中国急需,切实可行的改善方案,而使房地产销售三大通路市场瓶颈的消除与改善政策的施行,将是稳定全国经济发展的重点。
[Abstract]:The financial tsunami swept across the world in 2007, causing serious financial problems in the United States and Fannie Mae. The real estate market is the most important issue for the people's livelihood. The fact proves that the real estate market is the most important issue for the people's livelihood. It has proved to be enough to shake the national economy and even affect the world financial order. However, no matter the evolution of the times or the social impact, It is the most urgent problem for real estate companies to discuss whether he can sell out some projects.
In the last ten years, Taiwan real estate has been pushing the case from hundreds of billions to 2007 to a peak of 1 trillion and 150 billion. The total number of remaining rooms in the fourth quarter of 2008 is 7767945, the total marketing budget is from billions to hundreds of billions. The trend of the O society is more prominent in the rain polarization of the real estate market. The concept of the earth village and the network is not far from the world, allowing the people of Taiwan to live. With the relative promotion of boundary view, the sales strategy of real estate and the establishment of sales channel have also made a breakthrough in this environment.
Since 1979, the development of the real estate industry in mainland China has caused great function to promote the economic and social development of the whole Chinese mainland, but the real estate industry has also caused disputes all over the society at the same time, especially since 90s, the real estate market in China has experienced many ups and downs, especially the needle. The debate about the development and trend of the current real estate market shows that there are still many problems to be solved in the development process of the current real estate market in China.
It can be seen that real estate is the most important asset mark of the public and industry, and the shrinkage of the real estate asset price has an impact on the economic development and the people's wealth, so the sound system of the real estate sales channel market has a great impact on the overall economy, and the stable growth of the overall real estate economy must also have an obstacle free room. Production and marketing channels are backed up, so the topic must be explored in depth.
This article is to discuss the current situation and the bottleneck of the real estate industry of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. In terms of the economy of the real estate industry, the smooth situation of the sales channel and the discussion of the bottleneck are the key direction, so that the so-called "unblocked goods" can make the best of its ability. This article through the study of the history of the development of the real estate industry on both sides of the Straits, and the cross straits houses. The difference between the sales channels and the influencing factors of the real estate industry is to find out the sales channel of the real estate industry in Taiwan, which can be a reference for the mainland of China.
This article is divided into eight chapters. The contents of the main chapters are as follows: introduction to the first chapter; a general introduction to the full text, through the background and significance of the topic, the research ideas and methods, the main content and the structure arrangement to explain the direction and implication of this article, and the solution of the innovation and difficulties in this article. The second chapter, the theory and the literature summary. It mainly expounds five theories related to the economic basis of real estate, the theory of Business cycle Theory, the theory of land rent (Landtax Theory), the theory of Foam Economy Theory, the theory of consumption function (Theory of Consumption Function), and the theory of real estate speculation. The analysis of the domestic and foreign literature on real estate research; the third chapter, the overview of the real estate related and the economic research mechanism; this chapter is the discussion of the real estate related generality and research mechanism. First, it defines the basic theory of the related real estate, then discusses the definition of the related introduction of the sales Road, and then the real estate economic research. The fourth chapter, the fourth chapter, the development of the real estate market in Taiwan. The main content of this chapter is first from the current situation of the development of Taiwan real estate industry; then the development and change of the real estate market in Taiwan is discussed, and then the future development trend and market structure of Taiwan real estate are discussed and summarized in detail. Chapter fifth, Taiwan real estate This paper mainly expounds the current situation of the real estate brokerage system in Taiwan, the current status of the securitization system and the pre-sale house trading system, the characteristics and development process and Trend Outlook, and carries out a detailed investigation and induction. The sixth chapter, the bottleneck of the real estate sales in Taiwan and the coping strategies. The main research content of this chapter is the brokerage of the Taiwan real estate sales channel, In the seventh chapter, the seventh chapter, the problems in the development of the mainland real estate market. The main content of this chapter is to describe the general situation of the development of the mainland real estate, and then to clarify the problems in the market structure of the mainland real estate industry. And discussing the problems faced by the mainland real estate sales channel; the eighth chapter conclusions and suggestions, this chapter is mainly aimed at the brokerage, securitization, and sales channel bottleneck of the real estate in both sides of the Taiwan Straits. After this study, the main problems are summarized and the main problems are summed up, and then some suggestions are made to the Chinese mainland to improve the bottleneck of the real estate sales channel. The scheme is mainly based on the experience of Taiwan, which is used to improve the three major channels of real estate sales in China's mainland, and finally summarizes some ways to improve and draw lessons from it.
The main conclusion of this paper is the excavation of the three major sales channels of real estate on both sides of the Taiwan Straits (about eighty percent of the sales market), and put forward some feasible measures to improve the key problems of the problems in order to help the real estate of the two sides of the Straits and promote the vigorous development of the cross-straits economy. Compared to the mainland real estate industry, the development of Taiwan is earlier. The relevant sales channels are becoming more and more perfect. Through this study, we can provide a reference for the Chinese mainland real estate sales channels, and then improve the concrete countermeasures for the development of China's mainland real estate industry.
The main purpose of this paper is to study the direction of the purpose: first, in order to make both sides of the real estate industry fully realize its economic benefits, social interests, and make the national economy steady and steady growth. Second, the current situation and bottlenecks of the broking system, the securitization system, the pre-sale house trading system channel and the bottleneck are studied by the cross straits real estate sales channels, hoping that the two sides of the Taiwan Straits will make up for each other. Through perfecting the sales pipeline of real estate industry to improve the transaction procedure and system of real estate industry. Third, through the conclusion of the research and the opinion of the scholars and the business community, the management policy of the real estate sales market in the real estate market is put forward and the trend of the real estate marketing channel is completed.
The innovation of this article is that the author first step by field field investigation, one step and one step on the real estate sales market, and master the first-hand information on the spot, and with the practical experience of the broker through the sale of the house and the second-hand house, and the securities purchase of the real estate securitization, have many years of experience, along the way and collect it. The three channels of real estate related information; now the information data can be high with people, verifying that theory and practice need to cooperate with each other to complement each other; the so-called practical experience should be backed by theory or lose it to "blind": the theory should be combined with practical experience, otherwise it will go to "empty"; so that it will not be reduced to paper There is a general nonsense of talking to the soldiers, and it is also necessary to write the paper with the real estate economic theory of this article for so many years. Although we don't dare to say that there is no one after the past, it can also be said that its innovation should be rare.
In particular, the first and most accurate data collected by field field survey, which are as accurate as the inner line of the stock market, are not usually done by a few hands in the network or literature, and the research papers that have already been outdated; therefore, the results of this article should be the most true field practice needs, The proposed proposal is the most practical strategy and the greatest help to the mainland's real estate market.
In a comprehensive view, the domestic and foreign documents rarely take the real estate marketing scenes to explore the problems of the road, and take the three main channels of brokerage, securitization and pre sale house, which are the most extensive sales market in the real estate industry. The method of "analysis" "induction" is the first discussion, and then the "induction" and "cross comparison" are carried out at the same time to compare the differences between the two sides of the two sides of the two sides. Finally, the detailed analysis and analysis to conclude the improvement decision should be the most suitable for the Chinese mainland real estate industry, only this article is more unique.
The same language between the two sides of the Straits has a long history of Chinese culture and historical tradition in common long term. Under the Confucian Kong Meng thought education, the basic thinking and practice are more consistent; compared with other overseas countries in other papers and citing improvement measures, the practice should not be suitable for the national conditions of the mainland of China, so this article The comparative study method is used to analyze the two systems and phenomena of the real estate and land industry in both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and to find out the similarities and differences between them and their advantages and disadvantages, which will be summed up as a trend and a principle to be used as a solution, to improve the problems and systems, and to be the most suitable strategy for the national conditions of the mainland of China. Therefore, the author is mainly the three big sales of real estate brokerage, securitization and pre sale house in the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. Through the study of this article, the paper summarizes the views of the main problems, and finally makes suggestions for the mainland to improve the bottleneck of real estate sales. It is mainly to draw on the experience of Taiwan and to make suggestions on the improvement of the current sales situation in the mainland, and to sum up some improvement and reference methods; it is also another innovation.
China's mainland economy can say that the Chinese mainland economy has a strong long line value potential. But China's real estate market has only developed for more than twenty years. At the right time, we need to develop and improve laws and build a good sales market access.
The main conclusions of this paper are the three major channels of China's mainland real estate broker, securitization, and the sales market of the pre sold house; the derived problems are three oriented to the Chinese government, investors, and practical circles, and the suggestions are put forward by the research, and the Taiwan experience is given in accordance with China's urgent and practical improvement scheme, which makes the real estate sales three big. The elimination of bottlenecks in the channel market and the implementation of improvement policies will be the focus of stabilizing the country's economic development.



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