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发布时间:2018-05-07 01:20

  本文选题:东部地区 + 第三产业 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国东部六省市(北京、上海、天津、江苏、浙江、广州)的国内生产总值(GDP)已接近中等发达国家水平,但第三产业在国民经济中的比重却低于同一发展水平的国家和地区。从现阶段数据研究中也发现,这些地区产业结构中矛盾突出、问题较多的是第三产业。第三产业发展规模、内部结构优化升级长期滞后于经济发展,已严重阻碍了本地区以及我国经济的发展,致使产业升级落后,并导致产业转移迟缓,技术进步动力缺乏,劳动生产率提高缓慢,,进而引致一系列社会问题。2007年国务院发布的《关于加快发展服务业的若干意见》,也反映了国家对于调整服务业发展结构、优化发展服务业问题的重视。 本文运用系统动力学仿真模拟方法,借助Vensim软件,在对我国第三产业结构“自上而下”的宏观分析以及“自下而上”的微观分析的基础上,针对我国东部六省市第三产业结构合理化问题做了研究,探讨如何实现第三产业内部结构合理化的问题。目前,各个行业产业增加值之间呈现出非常大的结构化差距,产业结构存在明显不合理。改革政府管制机制,强化产业和市场的创新驱动,有效地提高产业的技术效率和竞争力,打破行业垄断,加快各行业的充分竞争,在固定资产投资政策上,维持流通部门和金融部门现阶段的投资水平,有效平衡房地产部门和其他部门的投资。在就业引导政策上,在维持各部门现有平衡状态的基础上向金融部门适度倾斜。以上措施将实现本文研究地区第三产业合理、快速、健康发展。
[Abstract]:The GDP of the six provinces and cities in eastern China (Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangzhou) is close to that of the moderately developed countries, but the proportion of tertiary industry in the national economy is lower than that in the countries and regions with the same level of development. It is also found from the current data research that the contradictions in the industrial structure of these regions are prominent and the third industry is the main problem. The development scale of the tertiary industry and the optimization and upgrading of the internal structure have lagged behind the economic development for a long time, which has seriously hindered the development of the local economy as well as our country, led to the industrial upgrading lagging behind, and led to the slow transfer of the industry and the lack of impetus for technological progress. The slow increase of labor productivity leads to a series of social problems. The opinions on accelerating the Development of Service Industry issued by the State Council in 2007 also reflect the importance attached by the state to adjusting the structure of service development and optimizing the development of service industry. In this paper, the simulation method of system dynamics is used to analyze the "top-down" and "bottom-up" microcosmic analysis of the tertiary industry structure in China with the help of Vensim software. This paper makes a study on the rationalization of tertiary industry structure in six provinces and cities in the east of China and probes into how to realize the internal structure rationalization of tertiary industry. At present, there is a very large structural gap between the industrial added value of various industries, and the industrial structure is obviously unreasonable. To reform the government control mechanism, strengthen the innovation drive of industry and market, effectively improve the technical efficiency and competitiveness of the industry, break the monopoly of the industry, speed up the full competition of various industries, and improve the fixed assets investment policy, Maintain the current level of investment in the circulation and financial sectors, and effectively balance investment in the real estate sector and other sectors. On the basis of employment guidance policy, the financial sector should be tilted towards the financial sector on the basis of maintaining the existing balance of various sectors. The above measures will realize the rational, rapid and healthy development of the tertiary industry in this paper.


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