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发布时间:2018-05-07 02:39

  本文选题:广西福德房地产公司 + 员工激励制度 ; 参考:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:21世纪是以知识经济为主导的时代,知识经济时代更加需要重视对人力资源的激励,因而构建科学的激励制度对企业的健康发展和增强竞争力意义重大。本研究结合笔者所在的广西福德房地产开发公司员工激励制度优化进行具体研究。 文章基于广西福德房地产开发公司激励制度不够完善以及激励方式和方法不够科学合理的现实,阐述对其员工激励制度进行优化目的与研究意义,并从国外理论和国内文献综述的基础上,提出研究的方法和内容。然后,从公司发展概况、组织架构、人力资源构成分析出发,利用公司现有的激励制度建设材料,分析了公司激励制度建设的完善程度,并从行业比较视角出发与区域内典型的房地产企业激励制度进行了对比,从中发现了一些问题,以此为基础,通过问卷调查和访谈调查相结合的方法深度剖析了广西福德房地产公司员工激励制度建设的员工满意度及其存在的不足之处,为广西福德房地产公司员工激励制度优化提供具体的改进方向。进而对广西福德房地产公司员工激励制度优化展开具体设计。优化设计秉承公平性、竞争性、科学性、经济型、战略导向性等多项原则,对员工薪酬与考评制度、奖励与惩罚制度、福利与补贴制度、晋升与培训制度、荣誉与关怀制度等进行了具体设计。最后提出员工激励制度优化后实施的保障措施,如从组织保障、考核保障、沟通保障等。
[Abstract]:The 21st century is an era dominated by knowledge economy. In the era of knowledge economy, it is necessary to pay more attention to the encouragement of human resources. Therefore, it is of great significance to construct a scientific incentive system for the healthy development of enterprises and the enhancement of their competitiveness. This study is based on the optimization of employee incentive system of Guangxi Real Estate Development Company. Based on the fact that the incentive system of Guangxi Ford Real Estate Development Company is not perfect and the incentive methods and methods are not scientific and reasonable, this paper expounds the purpose and significance of optimizing the incentive system for its employees. Based on the review of foreign theories and domestic literature, the research methods and contents are put forward. Then, based on the analysis of the general situation of the company's development, organizational structure and human resource composition, the paper analyzes the perfection of the company's incentive system construction by using the existing materials of the company's incentive system construction. And from the perspective of industry comparison with the typical real estate enterprise incentive system in the region were compared, and found some problems, on the basis of this, Based on the methods of questionnaire and interview, this paper deeply analyzes the employee satisfaction and its shortcomings in the construction of employee incentive system in Guangxi Ford Real Estate Company. Provide specific direction of improvement for the optimization of employee incentive system in Guangxi Ford Real Estate Company. And then to Guangxi Ford real estate company staff incentive system optimization to launch the concrete design. Based on the principles of fairness, competition, science, economy, strategic orientation, etc., the system of compensation and evaluation, the system of reward and punishment, the system of welfare and subsidy, the system of promotion and training, etc. Honor and care system and so on have carried on the concrete design. Finally, this paper puts forward the guarantee measures after the optimization of employee incentive system, such as organization guarantee, assessment guarantee, communication guarantee and so on.


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