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发布时间:2018-05-07 12:30

  本文选题:创意地产 + 营销能力 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来国家出台一系列调控政策,旨在抑制房地产过热,目前房地产业受到政策的制约面临压力,很多房地产开发企业面临转型的需求,商业地产、旅游地产、老年地产等房地产类型受到很多开发企业的追捧,,作为与创意产业相结合创意地产也开始成为了开发企业关注的重点。随着798、新天地等一系列创意地产的成功,创意地产逐渐为各个地区所追捧。由于创意地产注重创意产业与地产的结合,很多地区盲目上马创意地产项目,缺乏相应的经验,很多项目还是沿袭传统的营销方式,导致很多地区创意地产都是有名无实。 本文在梳理现有文献研究成果的基础上,从制约我国创意地产发展的主要因素—营销能力作为切入口,通过实践调查,分析目前创意地产存在缺乏战略层面的统筹,前期定位缺乏科学性;品牌塑造型不强,同质化现象严重;创意内涵缺失,消费者吸引力差;价值链断链,缺乏整合营销观念等问题。在此基础上,本文从模糊综合评价基础上构建一个创意地产营销能力评价框架,对影响创意地产营销能力的各大因素进行研究,指出影响我国创意地产营销能力的因素主要包括营销战略、营销组织能力、品牌和营销传播能力、创意产业竞争力、顾客关系价值这五个方面,其中营销战略为最重要指标,其次为创意产业竞争力。 在全面系统的研究创意地产营销能力的因素之后,本文以南昌市创意地产樟树林项目为例,通过实证研究该项目的营销能力,来说明创意地产营销能力评价指标的具体运用方式。通过模型分析得出樟树林项目营销能力处于中等水平,其核心问题在于樟树林创意产业竞争力较弱,这主要是由于项目前期营销定位失误,以及创意产业模块的缺失,使得创意地产逐渐变味为传统的商业地产运营。 创意地产能力提升的几点建议:树立营销战略思想,明确市场定位;改变营销观念,建立以营销为导向组织;以体验营销为先导,树立项目品牌;实行多重人才开发政策,建设专业人才队伍;构建完善的产业服务体系,提升创意产业竞争力;以消费者为核心,提高顾客忠诚度。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the state has issued a series of control policies aimed at curbing the overheating of real estate. At present, the real estate industry is under pressure from policy constraints. Many real estate development enterprises are facing the demand for transformation. Commercial real estate, tourism real estate, The old real estate and other real estate types are sought after by many development enterprises, and as a combination of creative industries, creative real estate has become the focus of attention of development enterprises. With 798, Xintiandi and a series of creative real estate success, creative property gradually for all regions. Because creative real estate pays attention to the combination of creative industry and real estate, many areas blindly start creative real estate projects, lack corresponding experience, many projects still follow the traditional marketing methods, leading to many regions creative real estate are nominal. On the basis of combing the existing literature research results, from the main factor of restricting the development of creative real estate in China-marketing ability as the entry point, through practical investigation, this paper analyzes the lack of strategic coordination of the current creative real estate. The previous positioning is lack of science; the brand shaping type is not strong, the homogeneity phenomenon is serious; the creative connotation is lacking, the consumer attraction is poor; the value chain breaks the chain, lacks the integrated marketing idea and so on. On this basis, this paper constructs an evaluation framework of creative real estate marketing ability on the basis of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, and studies the factors that affect the creative real estate marketing ability. The paper points out that the factors influencing the marketing ability of creative real estate in China include five aspects: marketing strategy, marketing organization ability, brand and marketing communication ability, creative industry competitiveness and customer relationship value, among which marketing strategy is the most important index. Secondly, the competitiveness of creative industries. After a comprehensive and systematic study on the factors of creative real estate marketing ability, this paper takes the project of camphor tree forest in Nanchang City as an example to study the marketing ability of the project. To illustrate the creative real estate marketing capacity evaluation of the specific use of indicators. Through the model analysis, it is concluded that the project marketing ability of camphor forest is at a medium level, and the core problem lies in the weak competitiveness of the creative industry of camphor forest, which is mainly due to the misorientation of marketing in the early stage of the project and the lack of the module of creative industry. Make creative real estate gradually change flavor for the traditional commercial real estate operation. Some suggestions for improving the ability of creative real estate are as follows: to set up the marketing strategy thought, to define the market orientation, to change the marketing concept, to establish the market-oriented organization, to take the experience marketing as the forerunner, to establish the project brand, and to carry out the policy of multi-talent development. Build professional talent team, construct perfect industry service system, enhance creative industry competitiveness, take consumer as the core, improve customer loyalty.


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