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发布时间:2018-05-08 02:09

  本文选题:房地产开发管理 + 融入BIM新管理方法运用研究 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:建筑信息模型(英文全称是Building Information Modeling,本文以下均简写成BIM)是一种应用十工程管理的新思维,通过模型参数来整合项目的各种相关数据、指标,在项目策划、设计、招投标、施工、销售和维护的全寿命周期过程中进行数据共用和传送,使工程管理人员对各种建筑信息作出正确理解和高效应对。加强对BIM在房地产开发管理中的研究工作,可以更好地提高生产效率、节约开发成本和提高项目品质。近年来,在政府楼市调控政策的作用下,我国房地产市场开始逐渐回归理性,越来越多房地产企业意识到:术来需苦练管理内功,运用“技术创新”,不断地做好项目的规划定位、设计优化和招投标工作,改进施工管理模式,革新销售管理方法,才能在提高楼盘项目品质的同时,取得投资开发效益的最大化。 本论文采用了理论和实践相互结合、定性和定量相互支撑、文字与图片相互对照、房地产管理”传统方法”和”融入BIM新方法”的优缺点相互对比的研究方法。本文主要内容如下: 首先,在绪论部份,主要阐述了本论文的研究背景、研究目的、实际意义、研究思路、结构框架等内容; 其次,在正文第一部份,主要介绍房地产开发管理的相关理论、概念和流程,介绍了BIM的相关理论、概念、价值和国内外运用的情况等; 再次,在正文第二、三部份,主要阐述了“C楼盘”在传统模式下规划、设计、招投标、施工、销售阶段中的一些不足之处和在融入BIM的新模式下以上各个方面的优势,通过正反两方面的对比分析,总结新管理模式的长处,探寻出一套较为完善的BIM运用方法和实践经验,指出在新方法运用中发现的一些问题,并进一步提出合理化建议。 最后,在论文结论部份,总结出BIM在房地产项目规划、设计、招投标、施工销售阶段的管理方法及创新之处,并指出今后进一步的研究方向。 通过对C楼盘开发管理中建筑信息模型运用研究学习,总结出在房地产开发管理中运用BIM的一些实践经验,为今后工作顺利开展提供了帮助。同时,希望能够将本论文总结的经验推广运用于所在公司的其他房地产开发项目,促进本公司房地产开发管理水平进一步提高,从而提高客户满意度,让口碑效应为公司创造更好的经济效益和社会效益。
[Abstract]:Building information model (Building Information Modeling,) is a new thinking of applying ten project management. It integrates all kinds of relevant data, indexes, project planning, design, bidding, construction through model parameters. To share and transmit data during the whole life cycle of sales and maintenance so that project managers can correctly understand and respond to all kinds of building information. Strengthening the research of BIM in real estate development and management can improve the production efficiency, save the development cost and improve the quality of the project. In recent years, under the influence of the government's property market regulation policy, the real estate market of our country begins to return to rationality gradually, more and more real estate enterprises realize: it is necessary to practice the management work hard and apply "technological innovation". In order to improve the quality of the real estate project and maximize the benefit of investment and development, the planning and positioning of the project, the optimization of the design and bidding, the improvement of the construction management mode and the innovation of the sales management method are constantly done. This paper adopts the research methods of combining theory and practice, supporting each other qualitatively and quantitatively, comparing words with pictures, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional method of real estate management with the new method of integrating BIM. The main contents of this paper are as follows: First of all, in the introduction part, mainly elaborated this paper research background, the research goal, the actual significance, the research thought, the structure frame and so on content; Secondly, in the first part of the text, mainly introduces the real estate development management related theory, the concept and the process, has introduced the BIM correlation theory, the concept, the value and the domestic and foreign application situation and so on; Thirdly, in the second and third parts of the text, the paper mainly expounds some deficiencies in the planning, design, bidding, construction and sale of "C real estate" in the traditional mode and the advantages of the above aspects in the new mode of integration with BIM. Through the comparative analysis of positive and negative aspects, this paper summarizes the advantages of the new management model, explores a set of relatively perfect BIM application methods and practical experience, points out some problems found in the application of the new method, and puts forward further rationalization suggestions. Finally, in the conclusion of the paper, the paper summarizes the management methods and innovations of BIM in real estate project planning, design, bidding, construction and sales, and points out the future research direction. By studying the application of building information model in C building development and management, this paper summarizes some practical experiences of using BIM in real estate development and management, which provides help for the smooth development of future work. At the same time, it is hoped that the experience summarized in this paper can be applied to other real estate development projects in our company, and promote the development and management of real estate in our company to further improve the customer satisfaction. Let word-of-mouth effect for the company to create better economic and social benefits.


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