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发布时间:2018-05-08 15:04

  本文选题:物权法 + 不动产登记 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:物权法在民法体系中占有重要的地位,对市场经济的发展起着重要的作用。而在这其中,不动产登记制度的地位更是不言而喻,我们的日常生活中都不可避免的要与之打交道,可以说它是我们生存和发展的基本制度条件。因此,构建一个合理的不动产登记制度,可以使我国的物权法体系得到进一步的完善。不动产法律制度可以帮助我们明确不动产权属关系,保障全体公民的合法财产不受侵犯,从而使参与到市场经济中的各方主体更加主动地去创造各种财富,进一步维护自己财产安全,以及交易秩序的安全,更好地促进社会主义市场经济体制的健康发展。 我国于2007年10月1日颁布的《中华人民共和国物权法》揭开了我国房地产登记制度发展的新篇章。《物权法》对房地产统一登记规则、房地产登记的效力、房地产登记机关的职责、登记信息的公开查询、更正登记、异议登记、预告登记以及登记错误赔偿责任等重要内容做出了规定,确定了我国不动产登记的根本制度,这些重要的制度既体现了我国在完善社会主义法律体系过程中,对国外先进法律文化和法律制度的移植,又对改变当前不动产登记多头管理,登记依据和登记效力等存在的地域、等级差异以及由此引发的混乱局面有直接的作用,对我国不动产登记制度的完善奠定了坚实基础。但是,《物权法》对于不动产登记的规定仍然属于“粗线条”,对于不动产登记制度的操作,几乎可以说是空白。该法第10条规定:“不动产登记,由不动产所在地的登记机构办理。国家对不动产施行统一登记制度。统一登记的范围、登记机构和登记办法,由法律、行政法规规定。”这实际上将不动产登记制度的建构留给了未来的《不动产统一登记条例》。本文首先在对不动产登记制度的基本理论进行探讨的前提下,结合《物权法》的颁布实施,通过分析,,指出我国不动产登记制度中存在的一些问题,比如“不动产”范围的界定不明、统一的登记机关没有确定、新的不动产登记类型规定粗略等,而后提出对我国不动产登记制度的几点完善意意见。
[Abstract]:Property law plays an important role in the civil law system and plays an important role in the development of market economy. Among them, the status of real estate registration system is self-evident, our daily life is inevitable to deal with it, we can say that it is the basic system conditions for our survival and development. Therefore, the establishment of a reasonable real estate registration system can further improve the property law system of our country. The legal system of immovable property can help us to define the relationship between the ownership of real estate and protect the lawful property of all citizens from being infringed, thus enabling the parties involved in the market economy to take the initiative to create various kinds of wealth. Further safeguard their own property security, as well as the security of the order of transactions, better promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy system. The property Law of the people's Republic of China, promulgated on October 1, 2007, opens a new chapter in the development of the real estate registration system in China. The duties of the real estate registration authorities, the public inquiry of registration information, the correction of registration, the registration of dissent, the registration of notices and the liability for compensation for false registration have been stipulated, and the fundamental system of registration of real estate in China has been determined. These important systems not only embody the transplantation of foreign advanced legal culture and legal system in the process of perfecting the socialist legal system, but also change the current management of real estate registration. The existence of registration basis and registration effectiveness in the region, grade differences and the resulting chaos has a direct effect, which has laid a solid foundation for the perfection of the real estate registration system in China. However, the regulation of real estate registration still belongs to "rough line", and the operation of real estate registration system is almost blank. Article 10 of the Act states: "Registration of immovable property shall be handled by the registration authority in the place where the immovable property is located. The state implements a unified registration system for real estate. The scope of unified registration, the registration organ and the registration method shall be prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. " This actually leaves the construction of the real estate registration system to the future uniform Registration of Real Estate regulations. On the premise of discussing the basic theory of the real estate registration system, this paper points out some problems existing in the real estate registration system through the analysis of the promulgation and implementation of the Real right Law. For example, the definition of the scope of "real estate" is not clear, the unified registration authority has not been determined, the new real estate registration type is rough, and so on, and then put forward a few points of bona fide opinion on the real estate registration system of our country.


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