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发布时间:2018-05-08 15:21

  本文选题:债务融资 + 财务风险 ; 参考:《石河子大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:According to the status of the banking industry in China, the monopoly of capital by the banks has hindered the effective circulation of funds, which is also one of the risks arising from the debt financing of companies. Generally speaking, this kind of hindrance only occurs in the small and medium-sized enterprises. Scholars at home and abroad have made a comprehensive study on the limitation of SME debt financing, so this paper does not discuss it. In the course of studying the risk of debt financing, we find the following conclusions: if the enterprise's own capital is low and the cost of debt financing is too high, there will be the situation that the profit of the enterprise cannot make up for the sum of the capital and interest of the debt. The production and management of enterprises will also be adversely affected, if the enterprise can not pay the interest due, it will aggravate the possibility of enterprise bankruptcy. The current Yurun Group is because the profits can not be used to repay the group's debt, a financial crisis. Yurun Group, a representative of meat industry, was selected to discuss the problem of debt financing because it was a leader in meat industry, but because of the problems in its debt financing, the group's capital chain broke. Make it become a typical case of debt financing. When studying the debt financing of Yurun Group, combined with the general situation of debt financing in the industry at that time, it is found that the problems of Yurun Group in debt financing can be used as an early warning in the industry. In the analysis of Yurun Group's debt financing, the debt financing problem is described qualitatively, and the debt financing risk is quantitatively measured. The main process is as follows: first of all, we simply understand the basic situation of Yurun Group, then describe and analyze the following debt financing methods, including: bank loans, short-term financing bonds, medium-term notes, Commercial credit and financial leasing, Then it introduces the composition structure of group debt (that is, direct and indirect financing), debt maturity structure (that is, long-term debt and short-term debt), and analyzes its problems and causes according to the above introduction to the debt financing of Yurun Group. The following reasons are obtained: the decline of commercial credit, the decline of business performance and the rapid expansion of the group, and the excessive investment in real estate. Finally, the corresponding solutions are put forward according to the above reasons. According to the case of Yu run Group, this paper expects to warn enterprises to ensure their debt financing structure is reasonable and to reduce financial risk.


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