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发布时间:2018-05-09 22:10

  本文选题:房地产行业 + 员工 ; 参考:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产行业经过了数十年的高速发展,正逐步走向一个全新的拐点,行业的整体竞争度将加大,对企业盈利能力有着全新挑战。房地产企业要想获得更好的市场位置,必须加强自身管理,提高公司整体竞争力。而这其中的关键就包括人才的竞争,人才作为企业最核心的资本,如果企业拥有稳定的人才群体,那么无疑将对企业稳定、可持续的发展有很大的帮助。尤其是企业员工的流失问题,这是房地产企业必须最为重视的资源。本文将着力围绕房地产企业员工这个群体展开研究。 本文主要采用文献分析法、问卷调查法和案例分析法,,分析了天山房地产公司员工流失的现状及影响,提出了解决天山房地产公司员工流失问题的策略。笔者首先厘清了员工流失的概念,然后介绍了员工流失的模型,分别有马奇和西蒙模型、普莱斯模型、莫布雷中介链模型及其扩展模型,为接下来的研究做铺垫;其次,从历年的员工流失率统计数据分析了公司员工流失的现状,并分析了天山房地产公司员工流失的五大影响;进一步,通过设计个人基本情况调查、工作满意度调查、流失倾向调查这三项调查,验证笔者提出的员工流失模型假设,并从个体角度和群体角度为解决房地产公司员工流失问题找出根本原因。 最后,具体从建立客观实用的绩效管理系统、支付有竞争力的薪酬、塑造优秀的公司文化和建立离职员工管理制度四大方面为天山房地产公司解决员工流失问题提出了策略建议。
[Abstract]:After decades of rapid development, the real estate industry is gradually moving towards a new inflection point. The overall competition degree of the industry will be increased, which has a new challenge to the profitability of enterprises. If real estate enterprises want to obtain better market position, they must strengthen their own management and improve their overall competitiveness. The key is the competition of talents, which is the core capital of the enterprise. If the enterprise has a stable talent group, it will undoubtedly be of great help to the stability and sustainable development of the enterprise. Especially the loss of employees, this is the real estate enterprises must pay most attention to the resources. This paper will focus on the real estate enterprise employees this group of research. This article mainly adopts the literature analysis method, the questionnaire survey method and the case analysis method, has analyzed the present situation and the influence of the Tianshan real estate company staff loss, has proposed the solution to the Tianshan real estate company staff wastage question strategy. The author first clarifies the concept of staff turnover, and then introduces the model of staff turnover, including March and Simon model, Price model, Mowbray intermediary chain model and its extended model, which pave the way for the following research. From the statistical data of employee turnover rate over the years, this paper analyzes the current situation of employee turnover in the company, and analyzes the five major effects of employee turnover in Tianshan Real Estate Company. These three surveys verify the hypothesis of employee turnover model put forward by the author and find out the fundamental reasons for solving the problem of employee turnover in real estate companies from the angle of individual and group. Finally, from the establishment of an objective and practical performance management system, pay competitive compensation, This paper puts forward some suggestions for Tianshan Real Estate Company to solve the problem of employee turnover in four aspects: creating excellent corporate culture and establishing management system of departing employees.


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