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发布时间:2018-05-11 10:01

  本文选题:房地产 + 高端住宅 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为老工业基地振兴的中心城市沈阳,沈阳的房地产市场一直保持稳定发展。随着近几年开发量的逐年上升,房地产市场的竞争日益激烈,尤其是高端住宅项目更面临残酷的市场竞争。由中粮地产股份有限公司在沈阳开发的中粮隆玺项目自2013年10月份入市以来,虽然赢得了沈阳北部地区高端住宅标杆的市场地位,但去化速度缓慢,如何进行营销策略的调整,走出叫好不叫座的市场怪圈,成为企业急需解决的问题。 首先,本论文对中粮隆玺项目现行的营销政策和市场定位进行综合描述,深入分析项目所需要迫切解决的问题。 其次,本文运用4P理论,对中粮隆玺住宅项目的整体外部环境进行分析,包括行业现状、竞争对手情况、市场需求及客户购买行为等方面;帮助中粮隆玺项目在高端住宅市场同质化严重的情况下,研究市场发展未来规律,学习竞争对手的成功经验,了解市场客户的根本需求,为打破中粮隆玺住宅项目面临的营销困局寻找方向。 接着,研究中粮隆玺项目内部环境:运用4P理论分析现行营销策略当中的主要问题,结合项目和企业自身的资源与优势,分析得出项目的优劣势。 以上分析的基础之上,通过价值定位对中粮隆玺住宅项目进行重新定位,并通过品牌化决策,帮助中粮隆玺住宅项目寻找到依托中粮集团品牌的区别于其他高端住宅项目的差异化之路。最终,提出中粮隆玺住宅项目的营销策略调整方案:从讲产品、讲调性,调整为讲文化、讲生活,赋予住宅项目精神价值;从坐销调整为行销的销售模式;从传统媒体推广调整为线上形象推广与覆盖目标客户的精细化客户地图推广相结合的媒体组合策略。通过文化主线系列活动,突出项目公园地产的独有卖点;结合中粮集团品牌优势,扩大客户认同价值基础;针对不同产品的目标客户,进行有效媒体覆盖。在营销策略的指导下,在保障措施的支持下,帮助中粮隆玺住宅项目在与众多高端住宅项目的竞争中赢得一席之地,并为项目后续住宅销售提供借鉴。 本文的研究结论是:4P理论的全面应用是住宅项目营销成功的基础,高端住宅项目准确的价值定位和品牌化决策是确保项目差异化竞争的核心优势,针对客户特征而制定的组合的营销策略是住宅项目成功的具体保证。
[Abstract]:As the old industrial base revitalization of the central city of Shenyang, Shenyang's real estate market has been stable development. With the increase of development in recent years, the competition of real estate market is increasingly fierce, especially the high-end residential projects are facing cruel market competition. Since its entry into the market in October 2013, the Cofco Longxi project, developed by Cofco Real Estate Co., Ltd. in Shenyang, has won the market status of high-end housing benchmarking in the northern part of Shenyang, but the pace of deactivation is slow, and how to adjust the marketing strategy, Get out of the ring of market eccentricity, as an urgent need to solve the problems of enterprises. Firstly, this paper comprehensively describes the current marketing policies and market positioning of Cofco Longxi Project, and analyzes the problems that need to be solved urgently. Secondly, using 4P theory, this paper analyzes the overall external environment of Cofco Longxi residential project, including industry status, competitors, market demand and customer purchase behavior. To help the Cofco Longxi Project study the future laws of market development, learn the successful experience of competitors, and understand the fundamental needs of market customers in the case of serious homogeneity in the high-end housing market. In order to break Cofco Longxi residential projects facing the marketing difficulties in search of direction. Then, this paper studies the internal environment of Cofang Longxi Project: using 4p theory to analyze the main problems in current marketing strategy, combining the resources and advantages of the project and the enterprise itself, the advantages and disadvantages of the project are analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages of the project are obtained. On the basis of the above analysis, through the value orientation to reposition the Cofco Longxi residential project, and through the brand decision, To help Cofco Longxi residential projects to find a way to differentiate from other high-end residential projects relying on Cofco Group brand. Finally, the paper puts forward the marketing strategy adjustment scheme of Cofco Longxi housing project: from emphasizing product, emphasizing tonality, adjusting to emphasizing culture, emphasizing life, giving spiritual value to housing project; From the traditional media promotion to the online image promotion and target customer coverage of the refined customer map promotion combined with a combination of media strategy. Through the cultural main line series activities, highlight the unique selling point of project park real estate; combine Cofco group brand advantages, expand customer identity value base; target customers of different products, carry on effective media coverage. Under the guidance of marketing strategy and with the support of security measures, this paper helps Cofco Longxi residential projects win a place in the competition with many high-end residential projects, and provides reference for subsequent residential sales of projects. The conclusion of this paper is that the comprehensive application of the theory of "4P" is the foundation of the successful marketing of residential projects, and the accurate value orientation and brand decision of high-end housing projects are the core advantages to ensure the competition of project differentiation. The combined marketing strategy based on the characteristics of the customer is the concrete guarantee for the success of the residential project.


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