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发布时间:2018-05-11 10:47

  本文选题:房地产 + 龙廷山水 ; 参考:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近些年,我国的房地产事业获得了突飞猛进的发展,并且面临着更多的机遇和更大的挑战。在新的形势下,探索科学合理的房地产营销策略,为房地产事业的可持续发展提供活力,逐渐成为备受关注的热议话题。 近两年来,由于土地供给紧缺,开发商们也各显神通,到处找寻开发目标。兴龙房地产集团有限公司凭借本身的发展优势,努力拓展外埠市场,以获得更大的发展空间,龙廷山水项目就是在这种经济环境下产生的。 本文运用市场营销相关理论知识以及其他学科相关理论知识,按照提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的行文思路,通过查阅大量信息资料,搜集相关数据,结合龙廷山水项目的自身特点,根据本人对项目营销策略应用的理解和掌握完成。论文首先分析了国内外房地产营销现状;其次对项目所面临的宏观环境做了全面深刻的分析,发现了项目所面临的机遇和挑战;并对项目的微观环境作了详细的分析,找出了项目的优势和劣势;然后,根据项目面临的内外部关键因素确定了项目的产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略,并提出了具体的实施方案和保障措施。 本文的创新之处是一方面对通过营销环境的实际调查,针对性的制订出适合本项目具体营销方案组合;另一方面,提出了充分利用项目的现有资源,深入挖掘现有市场潜力,努力将逆境和困境因素转化为动力因素,为项目开发运作提供有益的参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's real estate industry has been developing rapidly and facing more opportunities and greater challenges. In the new situation, exploring a scientific and reasonable real estate marketing strategy and providing vitality for the sustainable development of real estate industry has gradually become a hot topic of concern.
In the last two years, due to the shortage of land supply, the developers have also looked for the development targets everywhere. With their own development advantages, Xinglong Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. has made great efforts to expand the foreign market in order to get more space for development, and the Dragon Court landscape project is produced in this economic environment.
In this paper, based on the relevant theoretical knowledge of marketing and related theoretical knowledge of other disciplines, according to the question, analysis and solution of the line of thinking, through consulting a large number of information, collecting relevant data, combining the characteristics of the Dragon Mountain and landscape projects, according to my understanding and mastery of the application of the project marketing strategy. First, the present situation of real estate marketing at home and abroad is analyzed. Secondly, the macro environment of the project is thoroughly analyzed, the opportunities and challenges facing the project are found, and the micro environment of the project is analyzed in detail, and the advantages and disadvantages of the project are found out. Then, the key factors which are faced with the project are true. The product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy are determined, and specific implementation plans and safeguard measures are put forward.
The innovation of this paper is to make a specific marketing plan combination suitable for the project through the actual survey of the marketing environment. On the other hand, it puts forward the existing resources to make full use of the existing resources of the project, excavate the current market potential, and try to transform the adversity and predicament into dynamic factors to provide the project development and operation. Useful reference and reference.



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