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发布时间:2018-05-12 01:20

  本文选题:S项目 + 投资 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of our society and the constant regulation of real estate in our country, the real estate market has changed from "golden age" to "silver era". In the face of the constant changes of the market, the real estate market is in the process of investment analysis and decision making. The feasibility study of the project has a very important position and function. The feasibility study of the project is an important content in the early stage of investment, an indispensable procedure in the decision-making process of the project, and it is the direct basis of the investment decision of the project. Based on the demand of a real estate development company in G area, this paper analyzes the feasibility of the S project of a real estate development company by using the methods of document investigation, field investigation, interview and financial calculation. In this paper, the theory, function and content of the feasibility study are systematically summarized, and then the policy feasibility of the project is pointed out by analyzing the present economic development situation and land supply policy of China and Beijing. Finally, according to the steps of feasibility study, the conditions and present situation of the project implementation, the technical and management problems of the project implementation process, the economic and social benefits are mainly analyzed. Thus provides a more reliable decision basis for the feasibility of S project in a real estate development company.


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