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发布时间:2018-05-12 18:04

  本文选题:聚氯乙烯 + 特种树脂 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,由于国内聚氯乙烯的产能扩张过于迅速,加之世界范围的经济危机以及房地产行业的不景气,使得聚氯乙烯产能大大多于市场需求,行业开工率维持在50%~60%,市场价格低位运行,几乎是全行业亏损状态,因此,一些技术实力较强的企业逐渐减少常规树脂的生产,,转而生产利润率较高的特种树脂。 本设计是年产一万吨特种聚氯乙烯(PVC)聚合工段初步设计,主要针对目前已经生产普通型聚氯乙烯的厂家作为新增装置。本文对普通及特种聚氯乙烯的市场、生产技术以及应用情况进行了详细的概述,确定了聚氯乙烯的生产工艺。在确定生产工艺的基础上进行了物料衡算、热量衡算、设备选型等。本设计充分考虑了特种树脂生产工艺条件的特殊性。本设计具有较强的温度、压力适应范围,采用了特殊的原料加入工艺,适用于生产指定的特种树脂品种。
[Abstract]:In recent years, due to the rapid expansion of domestic PVC production capacity, coupled with the worldwide economic crisis and the recession in the real estate industry, the production capacity of PVC has greatly exceeded market demand. The operating rate of the industry is maintained at 50% and 60%, and the market price is low, which is almost the loss state of the whole industry. Therefore, some enterprises with strong technical strength gradually reduce the production of conventional resins and turn to produce special resins with higher profit margins. This design is a preliminary design of the polymerization section with an annual production capacity of 10,000 tons of special PVC / PVC, which is mainly aimed at the manufacturers that have already produced common PVC at present as a new installation. In this paper, the market, production technology and application of general and special PVC are summarized in detail, and the production process of PVC is determined. On the basis of determining the production process, material balance, heat balance, equipment selection and so on are carried out. This design fully considered the particularity of the special resin production process conditions. This design has a strong temperature, pressure range, the use of special raw material addition process, suitable for the production of designated special resin varieties.


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6 刘自珍;;电石法聚氯乙烯发展对策与建议[J];石油和化工节能;2010年01期




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