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发布时间:2018-05-12 19:36

  本文选题:保障性住房 + 住房保障政策 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:住房问题,不仅是民生问题,更是重要的经济问题。我国经过30余年的改革开放,,在城镇住房制度的改革上取得了阶段性胜利,充分引导和发展房地产市场,城乡居民住房状况得到了非常大的改善。但是,由于我国保障性住房制度和体系建设还处于初级探索阶段:房地产价格不断攀升,城市人口规模也在不断扩大,保障性住房需求量远大于供给量;保障性住房融资困难,融资缺口不断扩大;与此同时出现了保障性住房的福利倒置、缺乏良性的内循环、寻租和住入退出线缺乏标准等的一系列管理问题;这使得中低收入者住房保障问题越来越凸显,这部分人群的住房问题得不到解决,经济和社会各方面都会受到影响。相反,如果能够提出和实施切实有效、健全完善的保障性住房政策,保障好这部分人的住房保障问题,不仅有助于我国房地产市场持续健康的发展,还有助于维护社会的公平公正,安定稳定和健康可持续的发展。 本文第一章介绍了保障性住房和政策的基本内涵及特征,对保障性住房的供给方式进行了理论层面的分析,进而提出建立保障性住房政策的必要性;第二章分别从经济适用住房、廉租房和限价房三个角度介绍了我国保障性住房体系中政策实施现状及存在的问题。第三章重点介绍了在保障性住房领域处于先进水平的一些外国先进经验,其中包括美国、德国和新加坡的先进政策经验。第四章提出我国保障性住房政策的创新设计及具体建议:基本思路是统筹兼顾、适度保障、定标可量、分层操作。具体政策包括推行有针对性的实施保障模式,分级分层逐步实现;提升政府管理水平,建立健全保障性住房制度的法规体系;建立集财税、金融、行政体制为一体的综合配套措施;坚持可持续发展,完善经济适用住房的内循环机制;建立健全住房过滤的长效保障机制。 只有完善低收入家庭的住房保障政策,优化保障性住房体系,保证各项优化政策措施得到切实的实施,实现应保尽保,才能真正的、切实的、解决好城乡居民的住房这一人民最直接,最关心,最现实的问题。
[Abstract]:Housing is not only a livelihood issue, but also an important economic issue. After more than 30 years of reform and opening up in China, the reform of urban housing system has achieved a phased victory, fully guide and develop the real estate market, and the housing situation of urban and rural residents has been greatly improved. However, the construction of affordable housing system in China is still in the primary stage: the real estate price is rising, the urban population is also expanding, the demand for affordable housing is far greater than the supply, and the financing of affordable housing is difficult. At the same time, there are a series of management problems, such as welfare inversion of affordable housing, lack of benign internal cycle, lack of standard of rent-seeking and exit line, etc. This makes the housing security problem of middle and low income people more and more prominent, this part of the population housing problem can not be solved, economic and social aspects will be affected. On the contrary, if we can put forward and implement an effective, sound and sound housing policy to ensure the housing security of this group of people, it will not only contribute to the sustained and healthy development of the real estate market in our country. It also helps to maintain social equity, stability, stability and healthy and sustainable development. The first chapter introduces the basic connotation and characteristics of the indemnificatory housing and policy, analyzes the supply mode of the indemnificatory housing theoretically, and then puts forward the necessity of establishing the supportable housing policy. The second chapter introduces the current situation of policy implementation and the existing problems in our country's affordable housing system from three angles: affordable housing, low-rent housing and price-limited housing. The third chapter focuses on some advanced foreign experiences in the field of affordable housing, including the advanced policy experience of the United States, Germany and Singapore. The fourth chapter puts forward the innovative design and concrete suggestions of our country's indemnificatory housing policy: the basic idea is overall consideration, moderate security, scalable and stratified operation. Specific policies include the implementation of a targeted implementation security model, gradually realized at different levels, raising the level of government management, establishing and improving the legal system of affordable housing system, establishing a fiscal and tax collection system, and establishing a financial system, The administrative system is an integral part of the comprehensive supporting measures; adhere to sustainable development, improve the internal circulation mechanism of affordable housing; establish and improve the housing filtering long-term security mechanism. Only by perfecting the housing security policy of low-income families, optimizing the affordable housing system, ensuring that all the optimized policies and measures are effectively implemented, and realizing that all measures should be guaranteed, can they be truly and practically implemented. Solve the housing of urban and rural residents, the most direct, most concerned about, the most realistic problem.


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