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发布时间:2018-05-13 11:53

  本文选题:现代物业管理 + 业主满意度 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为“朝阳”服务产业的现代物业管理已经打破了传统的行政福利性的房产管理理念,建立了社会化、专业化、企业化、经营型的现代化小区物业管理新思想、新观念。其所经营的范围已经涵盖房地产、旅游景区、主题公园、酒店、航空公司,政府政务大厅、写字楼、商业大厦,大型综合性商场以及综合性居民和商业社区等。 现代物业管理作为现代大旅游服务业的一个重要分支,是以现代技术创新和科学管理为宗旨,运用现代化管理手段,使物业的硬件与软件管理,走向科学化、制度化与规范化管理的活动过程,最终实现社会、经济、环境效益的同步增长。随着物业管理企业之间竞争的加剧,服务质量与顾客满意以及与行为意向关系的研究就显得尤为重要。 SY集团是以房地产开发为主的大型现代化企业集团,具有房地产开发二级资质,是四川省房地产开发企业综合实力10强企业。连续3年被评为省销售十强前3名。自成立十多年来,SY集团秉承“追求卓越,争做一流”的企业理念,“雕琢完美”的精品意识,不断开拓创新。短短四年时间,已经投资开发了近百万平方米房地产项目,创造了令人瞩目的销售业绩,确立了本土龙头开发企业地位。 成都市SY物业有限责任公司系成都SY实业集团控股子公司,全国一级物业管理资质企业,中国物业管理协会会员单位,首届成都市最具竞争力的物业服务企业。公司主要从事高档住宅小区、别墅、电梯公寓,公园,主题公园,大型商业中心等的物业形态的物业管理。SY物业一直秉承“创造价值,用心服务,诚信立业,规范管理”的企业理念。以规范的服务流程、良好的服务意识,人性化的服务理念,为业主提供高效、优质、方便、完善的物业服务。目前,SY物业主要接管项目有:FH音乐花园、SY音乐花园、、WYN森林别墅、MY河谷、FH花园、HT丽景、HL上岛等。管理面积已达150多万平方米。与此同时,SY物业还将接管SY集团开发建设的国际公园和欧洲商业城以及MHD主题公园项目(管理面积300万平方米)。 HL上岛房产项目坐落于成都航空港中心区域,紧邻机场路,靠近江安河畔,是4星级优秀示范小区。景色优美,设施设备齐全,交通便利、周围风景宜人无形中让HL上岛业主感受到了“半岛品质”的生活情趣。随着城南国际社区规划的进一步推进,HL上岛作为未来物流、信息流、资金流高度集中的区域,作为一个高品质小区项目,有着其它小区无法比拟的优势。由于该项目具体管理大中小各种户型,而且数量都不少。同时,小区拥有大面积绿化和众多业主公共配套和娱乐设施,因此,HL上岛在整个物业行业项目中具有典型性和代表性。那么,以其作为研究对象的相关研究结论和建议,对于整个行业具有推广性。 通过查阅国内外大量文献资料,收集到了迄今为止与本研究相关的国内外最前沿、最先进的理论和理念,并在这些理论与理念的基础上,提炼、总结出一套适用于本研究的理论模式。与此同时,本研究还深入HL上岛物业服务中心进行实地调研,利用前期提炼、总结的理论模式结合本小组在HL上岛实地考察成果,设计出了一套以Parasuraman、Zeithaml和Berryry三位学者关于满意度研究著名的SERVQUAL量表为模型,以有关业主服务质量感知、满意度以及行为意向为内容的问卷调查表。 本研究以本校旅游管理专业教授的省部级课题为依托,在2013年7月5日到8月20日期间分为两个时段深入SY物业。第一次是进入SY物业总部及府河音乐花园项目部门进行调研实习,主要负责相关文献的查阅、反馈信息的整理、满意度模型的选择以及问卷的设计和调查问卷数据的分析;第二时段是进入HL上岛一线工作岗位调研实习,在实际工作体验的同时研究如何优化日常管理体系。通过参与HL上岛各部门的工作,以“提出问题-分析问题-解决问题”为思路,找出HL上岛内外部的不足,以相关理论为基础,分别针对HL上岛四个部门中存在的问题,提出解决方案,优化日常管理。 本次研究利用相关的统计分析软件,对问卷调查的结果采用因子分析(Factor Analysis)、平均数(Average Frequency)、标准差(Standard Deviation)、众数(Modest)和交叉分析(Cross Tabulation)、线性分析(Correlation Anlysisi)和T检验等统计分析方法进行检验和研究,对业主的个人信息进行统计描述,对业主服务质量感知和满意度等要素进行统计分析,并总结出不同业主对服务的需求以及满意度的界定,同时,对不同类型的业主进行分类、分析、整理,并完成了性别、年龄、教育程度、收入、职业、籍贯等与服务质量感知、满意度、行为意向的交叉分析。 在本次研究中,作者将所学知识实践化,在实践中发现,各职能部门在日常管理中,存在诸如计划、组织、协调、控制、执行以及员工素质、制度完善程度等问题。此次调研以提高物业日常智能管理为目标,以提升物业服务中心服务质量为宗旨,发现、分析并解决在日常管理过程中存在的问题,并针对HL上岛业主的特征,以及业主在感知、满意度、行为意向等方面的统计结果,对HL上岛物业服务中心今后的重点工作内容、服务质量、服务产品及服务范围改进、提升和完善提出结论和建议。
[Abstract]:As the modern property management of the " Chaoyang " service industry , the traditional administration concept of property management has been broken , and the new ideas and concepts of socialization , specialization , enterprise and management are established . The scope of its operation has covered real estate , tourist attractions , theme parks , hotels , airlines , government affairs halls , office buildings , commercial buildings , large - scale integrated shopping malls and comprehensive residents and business communities .

As an important branch of modern large tourism service industry , modern property management is an important branch of modern technology innovation and scientific management , which makes the hardware and software management of the property , moving towards the scientific , institutional and standardized management activities , and finally realizes the synchronous growth of social , economic and environmental benefits . As the competition between property management enterprises is intensified , the research on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction and behavior intention is particularly important .

SY Group is a large - scale modern enterprise group with real estate development , and has the second - level qualification of real estate development . It is the top three enterprises in the real estate development enterprise of Sichuan Province . Since its establishment for more than a decade , SY Group has invested in the development of nearly million square meters of real estate projects . It has created remarkable sales performance and established the status of local faucet development enterprise .

Chengdu SY Property Co . , Ltd . is the controlling subsidiary of Chengdu SY Industrial Group , the property management qualification enterprise at the national level , the member unit of China Property Management Association and the most competitive property service enterprise in Chengdu City . The company mainly engages in the property management of the property forms such as the high - grade residential district , villa , elevator apartment , park , theme park , large commercial center and the like . The company mainly takes over the project : FH music garden , SY music garden , WYN forest villa , MY valley , FH garden , HT Lai King , HL upper island , etc . The management area has reached more than 1.5 million square meters . At the same time , SY property will take over the international park and European commercial city and MHD theme park project of SY group development and construction ( management area is 3 million square meters ) .

HL Shangdao Real Estate Project is located in the central area of Chengdu Airport , close to the airport road and close to the River an River . It is a four - star excellent demonstration district . As a high - quality district project , HL Shangdao has the advantages of large area greening and many owners ' public supporting and entertainment facilities . As a result , the residential area has large - area greening and many owners ' public supporting and entertainment facilities . Therefore , the HL upper island is typical and representative in the whole property industry project . So , it has popularization in the whole industry as the relevant research conclusion and suggestion of the research object .

At the same time , based on these theories and concepts , this paper summarizes a set of theoretical models applicable to this study . At the same time , this study is based on these theories and ideas , and summarizes a set of theoretical models suitable for this study . At the same time , this study also studies the results of field investigation in HL Shangdao Property Service Center , and designs a set of questionnaire tables based on SERVQUAL scale known as Parasuraman , Zeithimu and Berryry on satisfaction research .

Based on the provincial - level subject of tourism management specialty , this study is divided into two periods into SY property during the period from July 5 to August 20 , 2013 . It is the first time to enter SY property headquarters and the project department of Fuhe Music Garden to conduct research and practice , mainly responsible for the inspection of relevant documents , the arrangement of feedback information , the selection of satisfaction model and the analysis of the questionnaire design and questionnaire data ;
The second period is to study how to optimize the day - to - day management system at the same time of the first - line work experience in HL Upper Island . By taking part in the work of each department in HL Upper Island , we find out the shortage of the exterior in HL Upper Island , based on the relevant theories , propose solutions for the problems existing in the four departments of HL Upper Island , and optimize the daily management .

Based on the statistical analysis of factors , Average Frequency , Standard Deviation , Modest and Cross Tabulation , Correlation Analysis ( Correlation Anlysisi ) and T Test , this paper makes a statistical analysis of the owner ' s personal information , classifies , analyzes and organizes the owners of different types , and completes the cross - analysis of gender , age , education level , income , occupation , employment , etc . with service quality perception , satisfaction and behavior intention .

In the current research , the author finds out that there are problems such as plan , organization , coordination , control , execution and employee ' s quality and the degree of system improvement in the daily management . The research aims at improving the daily intelligent management of the property service center , finding out , analyzing and solving the problems existing in the course of daily management , and aiming at the characteristics of the owner of the upper island of the property service center , and the improvement , promotion and improvement of the key work content , the service quality , the service product and the service scope of the HL Shangdao property service center .



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1 汪纯孝,温碧燕,姜彩芬;服务质量、消费价值、旅客满意感与行为意向[J];南开管理评论;2001年06期

2 赵西萍,张长征;创业板市场ESO激励计划适应性分析[J];西安交通大学学报(社会科学版);2003年01期




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