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发布时间:2018-05-13 13:51

  本文选题:个人住房贷款 + 违约 ; 参考:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在世界范围内,个人住房抵押贷款早已经成为最广泛采用的贷款形式,个人住房贷款在我国发展的时间虽然不长,但近年来随着经济体制的转变,工业化和城市化的快速发展,我国个人消费性贷款增长迅速,其中个人住房贷款所占比重最大。 A行保定分行自从开办个人住房贷款业务以来,个人住房贷款规模总量呈跨越式增长,同时,违约贷款也出现了上升的趋势,使得个人住房贷款风险逐步显现。个人住房贷款风险是商业银行经营过程中的一种重要的风险,在商业银行的所有风险中占据着十分重要的地位,因此,保持个人住房抵押贷款良好的收益率,已经成为目前A行保定分行面临的一个重要问题。因此,本文笔者从A行保定分行现阶段个人住房贷款业务的发展现状入手,结合保定市当地的经济发展状况以及保定市房地产市场的基本情况,就A行保定分行个人住房贷款借款人的个人基本情况和银行放贷人员的操作规范展开调研,尝试找到造成违约的主要因素,并为降低贷款风险、保持个人住房贷款良好收益率设计出有效地解决方案,进而为进一步改善A行保定分行个人住房贷款的违约问题提出合理和科学的建议。本文认为,A行保定分行还需强化员工风险意识,做好客户的优选工作,同时制定信贷质量考核方案以及实施风险经理制等方法来降低其个人住房贷款的违约风险。
[Abstract]:In the world, the personal housing mortgage loan has already become the most widely used loan form. The personal housing loan has not been developed for a long time in our country, but in recent years, with the change of the economic system, the industrialization and the rapid development of the urbanization. Personal consumption loans in China are growing rapidly, among which personal housing loans account for the largest proportion. Since Baoding Branch of Bank A started the personal housing loan business, the total amount of personal housing loan has increased by leaps and bounds. At the same time, the default loan has also appeared an upward trend, which makes the risk of personal housing loan gradually appear. The risk of personal housing loan is an important risk in the process of commercial bank management, which occupies a very important position in all risks of commercial bank. At present, Bank A Baoding Branch has become an important issue. Therefore, the author starts with the current situation of the personal housing loan business in Baoding Branch, combines the local economic development situation of Baoding City and the basic situation of the real estate market in Baoding City. In order to reduce the risk of loan, we investigated the basic situation of individual housing loan borrowers in Bank A Baoding Branch and the operational norms of bank lenders, trying to find out the main factors that caused the default and to reduce the risk of loans. To maintain the good rate of return on personal housing loan, the author designs an effective solution, and then puts forward reasonable and scientific suggestions for further improving the breach of personal housing loan in Bank A Baoding Branch. This paper holds that Baoding Branch of Bank A should also strengthen the risk consciousness of employees, do a good job of customer selection, formulate credit quality assessment scheme and implement risk manager system to reduce the default risk of personal housing loan.


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