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发布时间:2018-05-14 19:47

  本文选题:虚拟展示 + 交互设计 ; 参考:《杭州电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在信息快速发展的时代,伴随着社会经济和科技的进步,以计算机技术与网络技术为基础的信息系统正处于生机勃勃的发展阶段。随着人们经济文化水平的显著提高,对生活质量的追求也越来越高,尤其是购物方面。在现代社会中,大量的新型商品出现在市场上,人们有了各种不同的选择购物方式,,电子商务网站就是网络时代的产物,但目前大多数电子商务网站中,产品展示都是基于二维平面的方式,不能全面的展示产品的内部结构信息,用户缺乏三维立体的实时交互感受。以交互性为主要特征的虚拟现实技术可以弥补这点不足,将它与Internet技术相结合,可以创建出真实的且具有交互性的三维可视化环境,使人们在使用时,产生更加直观的视觉感受。 首先,本文深入研究了目前网络上产品展示的现状,大致可以分为二维展示和三维展示两大类。在综合分析了传统展示方法和虚拟展示方法的优势和劣势的基础上,提出了将虚拟现实技术与电子商务网站相结合的模式。使得产品的展示不再受空间、时间等方面的制约,提高产品的展示效率,展示效果更逼真生动。 其次,综合分析了目前市场上主流的虚拟现实软件,选择交互性能最好的Virtools作为交互功能开发平台。由于Virtools不具备三维建模功能,所以选择专业的三维建模软件3dsMax来对商城和产品进行模型创建。为了减小模型文件的大小,提高展示速度,对场景模型进行了优化处理。同时对模型又进行了材质、纹理和灯光的设置,使得整个场景模型更加生动逼真。整个场景模型完成后,导入到Virtools平台进行交互功能设计,包括场景内的自主漫游和与产品进行自由的三维交互操作。在完成商城的交互功能后,将程序脚本发布成网页可接受的格式进行导出。 最后,结合ASP.NET技术进行数字化商城网站的设计,包括数据库、商城首页面、产品页面以及服务台的订单页面。实现用户在浏览器中通过鼠标键盘等外部设备对产品进行三维浏览和操作控制,完成数字化商城的原型系统的设计。 最终利用虚拟现实技术、计算机技术、网络技术、人机交互技术、数据库技术等构建一个基于网络的电子商务网站的虚拟展示系统,创建出一种新型的三维立体的产品展示方式,实现用户在3D虚拟环境中随意地漫游,并能在浏览器中与产品进行互动,全面真实模拟现实购物的浏览和挑选的过程,使用户拥有身临其境般的互动感受。这为虚拟商场、房地产展示和电子商务网站等领域提供了有效的解决方案,对虚拟现实技术广泛应用于商业有着显著的意义。
[Abstract]:In the era of rapid development of information, with the progress of social economy and science and technology, the information system based on computer technology and network technology is in a dynamic stage of development. With the remarkable improvement of people's economic and cultural level, the pursuit of quality of life is becoming higher and higher, especially in shopping. In modern society, a large number of new commodities appear in the market, people have a variety of different shopping options, e-commerce website is the product of the network era, but at present, most e-commerce websites, The product display is based on two-dimensional plane, which can not display the internal structure information of the product comprehensively, and the user lacks the real-time interaction feeling of three-dimensional. The virtual reality technology with interaction as the main characteristic can make up for this deficiency. By combining it with Internet technology, we can create a real and interactive 3D visual environment, so that people can use it. A more intuitive visual feeling. Firstly, this paper deeply studies the present situation of product display on the network, which can be divided into two categories: 2D display and 3D display. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional display methods and the virtual display methods, this paper puts forward a model of combining virtual reality technology with e-commerce websites. The display of the product is no longer restricted by space and time, and the efficiency of the product is improved, and the effect of the display is more lifelike and vivid. Secondly, this paper synthetically analyzes the mainstream virtual reality software in the market, and chooses Virtools, which has the best interaction performance, as the interactive function development platform. Because Virtools does not have the function of 3D modeling, the professional 3D modeling software 3dsMax is chosen to create the model of the mall and products. In order to reduce the size of the model file and improve the display speed, the scene model is optimized. At the same time, the material, texture and lighting of the model are set, which makes the whole scene model more vivid and lifelike. After the completion of the whole scene model, it is imported into the Virtools platform for interactive function design, including autonomous roaming in the scene and free three-dimensional interactive operation with the product. After completing the interactive function of the mall, publish the program script as an acceptable format for export. Finally, the design of digital shopping mall website is carried out with ASP.NET technology, including database, front page, product page and order page of service desk. The user can browse and control the product through external devices such as mouse and keyboard in the browser, and complete the design of the prototype system of the digital shopping mall. Finally, using virtual reality technology, computer technology, network technology, human-computer interaction technology, database technology and so on, a virtual display system of e-commerce website based on network is constructed. A new three-dimensional product display mode is created, which realizes the user roaming freely in 3D virtual environment, and can interact with the product in the browser, which can simulate the process of browsing and selecting real shopping. Let the user have the experience of interaction. This provides an effective solution for virtual shopping malls, real estate display and e-commerce websites, and has significant significance for the wide application of virtual reality technology in business.


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