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发布时间:2018-05-14 19:21

  本文选题:新就业大学生 + 住房问题 ; 参考:《云南财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:新就业大学生在刚走向社会,需要面对很多压力,其中住房是一个难题。他们的住房情况已经引起了专家、学者们的注意,对于家庭环境稍好的同学来说,住房问题可以得到父母的资助,但对于大多数中低收入家庭的同学,住房问题是他们无法避免的难题。在刚结束的两会期间,住房问题再次成为人们的焦点。 本文从住房理论入手,从住房过滤理论、住房过渡理论、住房梯度消费等理论为基础,通过实地走访调查,以问卷的形式深入了解新就业大学生租房、购房的现状和问题,,对调查数据进行统计、分析,运用logistic回归分析模型分别分析出影响租房承受能力和购房承受能力的因素,再结合这些因素分别测算不同收入租房和购房的可支付能力,得出在不同收入情况下的新就业大学生群体是否有住房支付能力。文章最后的部分是结合昆明市房地产市场的情况与笔者在前几章提出的结论,提出目前新就业大学生租房、购房问题,问题包括在租房方面,城中村改造使得新就业大学生的住房压力加大;租房方式主要以合租为主,月收入少,住房支出有限;公租房供应不足,需求过剩;购房方面存在的问题有:多方面的原因导致购房支付能力不足;有效供给不足,供需矛盾;首次购房优惠少,购房压力大。为此,笔者提出的对策建议有:租房方面,鼓励建造大学生公寓;补贴大学生租房租金;建议政府使公积金用于租房;降低公租房的申请要求。购房方面,鼓励房地产企业提供小户型低价位限价商品房;推进共有产权模;提供首付款、月供款优惠。
[Abstract]:The new employment students need to face a lot of pressure in the new society. Housing is a difficult problem. Their housing situation has aroused the attention of experts and scholars. For students with good family environment, housing problems can be supported by parents, but for most middle and low income families, the housing problem is their own problem. Unavoidable problems. During the just concluded two sessions, housing problems once again became the focus of people.
This paper, starting with the housing theory, based on the theory of housing filtering, housing transition, housing gradient consumption and so on. Through a survey on the field, this paper makes a thorough understanding of the status and problems of the new employment students' rental housing, the purchase of the house, and the analysis of the survey data, and analyzes the influence of the logistic regression analysis model respectively. The factors of affordability and affordability of renting housing, and then combining these factors to calculate the solvency of different income renting and buying houses, and finding out whether the new employment college students in different income conditions have housing payment ability. The last part of the article is to combine the situation of the real estate market in Kunming and the author in the previous chapters. The conclusion of the proposed new employment students rent, the problem of housing, including the problem of housing, the urban village reform makes the new employment of college students increased housing pressure; rental mode is mainly combined rent, less monthly income, housing expenditure is limited; public housing supply is not sufficient, excess demand; there are many problems in the house purchase: many problems are: many The reasons lead to insufficient payment capacity of the house purchase; insufficient effective supply, supply and demand, contradiction between supply and demand; the first purchase preference of the first purchase is less, and the pressure of buying a house is great. In order to buy houses, encourage real estate enterprises to offer small apartments, low priced and limited price commercial housing, promote common property rights mode, provide first payment, monthly payment preferences.



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