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发布时间:2018-05-14 21:50

  本文选题:废钢基地 + 建设 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,受到全球经济疲软及中国房地产宏观调控的影响,钢材需求持续低迷,而钢铁产能却未减少,供需不平衡,导致了钢材价格疲软。与此同时,钢铁行业上游的原燃材料成本却持续维持高位。需求端及供应端的双向挤压使得钢铁行业举步维艰。目前,由于SG集团的搬迁调整,产能大幅度提高,导致废钢的消耗量随之巨增。但SG集团废钢采购基本完全依靠社会回收和少量定向回收供给,整体供应量十分不稳定,质量也无法保证。相比之下宝钢的废钢采购量的50%来源于自有废钢基地,对企业的生产提供了强有力的保障。SG集团应吸收先进的生产模式,形成一个系统的、完整的、适应公司发展的废钢采购体系。建立废钢基地是废钢体系建设的重要步骤,可有效降低采购成本,适应企业发展需要。进度管理是项目管理中最关键的要素之一,项目进度的合理安排和控制,关系到一个项目的工期能否按时完成,对项目实施的质量、成本等方面也有着很重要的影响。本文运用项目管理相关知识,主要研究以下几个方面的内容:(1)在分析SG集团建立废钢基地的必要性的基础上,通过建立项目组织结构、明确项目的范围、确定项目各工作的先后关系和工期、合理的选择项目进度计划的编制方法,制定了 SG集团建立废钢基地建设项目的进度计划。(2)通过建立项目控制流程、设置项目控制的关键点、运用项目进度报告等方法制定了项目进度控制计划,并在组织、制度、经济、技术等方面制定措施予以支持。为防止项目进度实施由于突发情况无法保证按照计划的工期执行,制定措施对项目进度偏差进行分析和调整,以确保项目实际进度与计划进度一致。(3)通过对SG集团废钢基地建设项目的进度计划与控制研究,探索项目进度管理在钢铁企业的废钢基地建设方面的应用,得出一些具有研究和实践意义的结论,改进SG集团废钢供应的现状,提升企业对废钢资源掌控的能力。此外,通过本研究,也希望能够为同类项目的计划与控制管理提供实际参考价值。
[Abstract]:In recent years, steel demand has remained depressed, driven by a weak global economy and China's real estate macro controls, while steel capacity has not been reduced, resulting in weak steel prices due to uneven supply and demand. At the same time, the iron and steel industry upstream of the cost of raw materials has remained high. The two-way squeeze on the demand side and the supply side makes the steel industry difficult. At present, due to the relocation and adjustment of SG Group, the production capacity is greatly increased, resulting in a huge increase in scrap consumption. However, SG Group scrap procurement basically depends on social recycling and a small amount of directional recovery supply, the overall supply is very unstable, the quality can not be guaranteed. In contrast, 50% of Baosteel's scrap purchasing volume comes from its own scrap base, which provides a strong guarantee for the production of enterprises. The SG Group should absorb advanced production models and form a systematic and complete one. To adapt to the company's development of scrap procurement system. The establishment of scrap base is an important step in the construction of scrap system, which can effectively reduce the purchasing cost and meet the needs of enterprise development. Schedule management is one of the most important elements in project management. The reasonable arrangement and control of project schedule is related to whether a project can be completed on time, and also has an important impact on the quality and cost of project implementation. Based on the analysis of the necessity of establishing scrap base in SG Group, this paper makes clear the scope of the project by establishing the project organization structure. To determine the relationship and duration of each work of the project, to reasonably select the method of drawing up the progress plan of the project, and to draw up the schedule plan of the construction project of the SG group for the construction of scrap steel base by establishing the control flow of the project. The key points of project control are set up, and the project progress control plan is established by using the method of project progress report, and measures are made to support it in organization, system, economy, technology and so on. In order to prevent the implementation of the project schedule from being guaranteed to be carried out according to the planned schedule due to unexpected circumstances, measures are formulated to analyze and adjust the deviation of the project schedule, In order to ensure that the actual progress of the project is consistent with the planned progress. 3) by studying the progress plan and control of the construction project of the SG Group scrap base, the application of project schedule management in the construction of the scrap base of the iron and steel enterprise is explored. Some conclusions with significance of research and practice are drawn to improve the status quo of SG Group scrap supply and enhance the ability of enterprises to control scrap resources. In addition, this study also hopes to provide practical reference value for the planning and control management of similar projects.


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