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发布时间:2018-05-16 00:37

  本文选题:哈佛框架 + 中青旅 ; 参考:《安徽工业大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In 2014, China's economic development entered the new normal, the domestic tourism industry continued to develop at a high speed, industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Under the trend of "internet tourism", the market development prospect of tourism is extremely broad, ushered in a new development opportunity. However, will also face more challenges and industry competition. In order to promote the rapid and healthy development of tourism, the author carries out relevant research and discussion from the angle of financial analysis, hoping to put forward practical help to the normative development of youth tourism enterprises in this industry and case company. The traditional financial analysis is to analyze the financial data released by the company over the years. Because of the distortion of the analysis data and the deviation of the report itself, there are some limitations in the analysis of these data. Harvard Framework is an improvement of the traditional financial analysis method. It is put forward by three scholars of Harvard. It takes strategic analysis as the starting point and forecasts the future development prospects of enterprises through accounting analysis and financial analysis. Based on the theory of Harvard framework, this paper analyzes the financial situation of CSTS. First of all, it uses the SWOT model to analyze the financial statements and profitability of CSTS and its contrast companies, taking the strategic analysis as the starting point. According to the comprehensive analysis of debt service ability and management ability, the future development of China Youth Travel is forecasted. Through the analysis, it is concluded that the enterprises are facing the risks of intensified market competition, diversification of residents' preferences, recession of the real estate industry and excessive cost. According to this, the author thinks that the overall Internet of the main tourism industry of the company should be promoted. Strengthen the core competitiveness; further subdivide the tourism market; strengthen the construction of scenic spots, gradually fade out of the real estate industry; at the same time, strengthen the control of company operating costs. Finally, in order for readers and related enterprises to make better use of this new financial analysis framework, the author conscientiously summarizes the contents and details that should be paid special attention to and paid attention to in the process of use. The application value of Harvard framework theory in the actual market is verified in order to give reference to other enterprises.


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