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发布时间:2018-05-16 17:02

  本文选题:房地产 + 功能 ; 参考:《天津工业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The real estate market has entered the silver era and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Therefore, real estate enterprises in order to obtain better economic benefits in the fierce market competition, we must carry out strict cost control. However, relying on the traditional mode of thinking for cost control is far from meeting the challenge of market competition today. Because cost control measures such as lowering the cost and using low-cost materials may directly affect the quality and price of the product, the overall consideration and systematic study on the two aspects of the function and the cost of realizing the function can be carried out from the perspective of value. In order to achieve the ideal effect of cost control. In the actual work of project cost control, many enterprises often pay more attention to the audit of bill of quantities and bidding control price, the audit of engineering measurement and project settlement, etc. This is not comprehensive. From a systematic point of view, It is necessary to consider the whole process of project cost control, attach great importance to the examination of the design scheme in the early stage of construction design, and obtain the design scheme of maximization of value through technical and economic analysis and argumentation. Once the design scheme is determined, it is difficult to optimize the whole project cost depending on the management of the construction process. This paper analyzes the cost control of housing construction from the point of view of value engineering. This paper systematically introduces the basic concepts and theoretical basis of cost and cost control, design stage cost control, value engineering, etc. The application method and workflow of value engineering and quota design are introduced. Finally, the concrete application of value engineering in practical work is expounded through three kinds of concrete cases: material selection, cost optimization and quota design. In a word, this paper proves the significance of value engineering in cost control in the early stage of construction and its practical effect by combining qualitative analysis with quantitative calculation from two aspects of theory and practice. Project management staff to the actual work has a very good guiding value.


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