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发布时间:2018-05-16 17:28

  本文选题:风险管理 + 房地产 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产作为国民经济的重要支柱,地位日趋重要。房地产开发过程复杂,诸多风险贯穿始终而影响程度又各不相同。当前房地产业在国家政策的影响下呈现较大的起伏,地产投资也面临更多的挑战,风险管理的好坏已成为决定房地产开发项目成败的关键因素,也是衡量企业管理水平的重要标志。 本文从风险管理的角度出发,以风险管理和房地产项目风险管理的相关理论为基础,对房地产开发项目风险管理的研究状况进行了系统的梳理,总结和归纳了项目风险识别和评估常用的方法。对房地产开发过程中的各类风险因素进行系统的甄别和分析。随后通过对潍坊XX房地产项目的实证研究,分析了项目所处的内外部环境,,结合本项目的特点,对该项目中各个阶段风险进行了针对性分析。风险评价研究过程中,确定评价的类型和主要的指标要素,建立风险因素评价指标体系和风险综合评价模型。通过层次分析法来确定相应的指标权重,使用模糊综合评价对潍坊XX房地产项目的风险进行了综合评价,并针对最终的评价结果,从风险管理组织、风险管理流程、风险管理方法等方面提出了对策与建议。
[Abstract]:As an important pillar of national economy, real estate is becoming more and more important. The real estate development process is complex, many risks run through all the time and the influence degree is different. Under the influence of national policies, the real estate industry is facing more challenges, and the risk management has become the key factor to decide the success or failure of the real estate development projects. It is also an important symbol to measure the level of enterprise management. Based on the theory of risk management and real estate project risk management, this paper systematically combs the research status of real estate development project risk management. The common methods of project risk identification and evaluation are summarized and summarized. Identify and analyze all kinds of risk factors in the process of real estate development. Then through the empirical study of Weifang XX real estate project, this paper analyzes the internal and external environment of the project, combined with the characteristics of the project, the risks in each stage of the project are analyzed. In the process of risk evaluation, the types and main index elements of the evaluation are determined, and the evaluation index system of risk factors and the risk comprehensive evaluation model are established. Through AHP to determine the corresponding index weight, using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of Weifang XX real estate project risk comprehensive evaluation, and in view of the final evaluation results, from the risk management organization, risk management process, Countermeasures and suggestions on risk management methods are put forward.


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