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发布时间:2018-05-16 19:17

  本文选题:广州 + 房地产报道 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产是国家经济的重要支柱,也是百姓安居乐业的基本条件。1978年住房政策改革以来我国房地产市场迅猛发展,取得了重大成就,与此同时也引发了方方面面的问题,如房价高、住房难、拆迁问题、物业纠纷问题等。房地产报道是房地产市场发展的产物,以房地产相关行业相关问题为报道对象,涉及的范围包括经济、政治、社会等多个方面。 广州作为我国一线城市之一,其房地产业因自身地位独特、规模庞大、社会影响深远而备受关注。近年来广州房地产新闻也一直是媒体追踪的热点,尤其是本土媒体,纷纷为广州房地产开辟专刊。尽管广州房地产报道非常繁荣,遗憾的是目前并未出现专门的研究。 本次研究选择广州最具代表性的媒体之一《南方都市报》为样本,运用内容分析法,从报道时间、报道议题、消息来源、报道基调、报道篇幅等维度切入,呈现广州房地产报道发展的现状。运用文本分析的方法,结合典型报道对《南方都市报》广州房地产新闻的特色和传播策略进行解码。并以新闻专业主义和媒介建构主义为准绳,对《南都》广州房地产报道的现状做出评价并探讨改善方法,建议媒体应注意提高房地产报道的新闻专业主义水平,,加强外部监督,关注民生问题,承担社会责任,同时为提高受众的媒介素养做出努力。
[Abstract]:Real estate is an important pillar of the national economy and a basic condition for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Since the reform of the housing policy in 1978, the real estate market in our country has developed rapidly and made great achievements. At the same time, it has also caused problems in all aspects. Such as high house prices, housing difficulties, demolition issues, property disputes and so on. The real estate report is the product of the development of the real estate market, taking the related problems of the real estate industry as the object of report, covering many aspects, such as economy, politics, society and so on. As one of the first-tier cities in China, Guangzhou's real estate industry has attracted much attention because of its unique status, large scale and far-reaching social impact. In recent years, Guangzhou real estate news has also been a hot spot of media tracking, especially local media, one after another for Guangzhou real estate. Although Guangzhou real estate reports are very prosperous, unfortunately, there is no special research. This study selected "Southern Metropolis Daily", one of the most representative media in Guangzhou, as a sample, using content analysis method to cut into the dimensions of time, topic, source, tone and length of the report. Presents the Guangzhou real estate report development present situation. With the method of text analysis and typical report, this paper decodes the characteristics and communication strategy of Guangzhou Real Estate News. Taking journalism professionalism and media constructivism as the yardstick, this paper evaluates the present situation of real estate reporting in Guangzhou and discusses the improvement methods. It is suggested that the media should pay attention to raising the level of journalism professionalism in real estate reporting and strengthen external supervision. Pay attention to people's livelihood, undertake social responsibility, and make efforts to improve the media literacy of the audience.


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2 刘励;试论中国房地产报道[D];南京师范大学;2003年

3 杨晶晶;新闻专业主义语境下房地产报道探究[D];中央民族大学;2009年

4 牛耀红;当前我国房地产新闻消息来源偏向研究[D];兰州大学;2010年

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6 陈晓;近年来报刊新闻的语言特色研究[D];南昌大学;2010年




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