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发布时间:2018-05-16 23:16

  本文选题:在建工程 + 抵押权 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:抵押制度作为一项重要的交易保证制度,在民法上有着非常重要的地位。近年来,随着我国市场经济的快速发展,房地产业已经成为我国经济的支柱产业之一,房地产抵押作为债权的担保方式因其特有的优越性得到越来越多的重视。在建工程抵押制度,在我国房地产抵押中所占的比重也越来越大。我国2007年颁布的《物权法》明确规定了在建工程的抵押权。但由于我国在建工程抵押制度起步较晚,因此,关于在建工程抵押的概念、设定条件、客体范围、登记性质以及在建工程抵押与其他一些权利的冲突存在着很多混乱之处,法院在实际操作中也会产生不同的认定。加之我国法律对于在建工程抵押制度的规定有许多的不完善之处,导致了实践中关于在建工程抵押产生了许多纠纷,难以得到合理解决。因此,研究在建工程抵押制度显得非常有必要。本文除引言及结语外分为四部分: 第一部分为在建工程抵押的概述。主要从以下三个方面对在建工抵押权制度进行论述。第一个方面,从我国相关法律对在建工抵押权的规定,引出了广义上的和狭义上的在建工程抵押权的概念,并阐述了学者对于在建工程抵押概念的争议,提出自己对于在建工程抵押权概念的认识。第二个方面,从在建工抵押权客体的特殊性、期间的阶段性及其价值的不确定性等方面,重点论述和分析在建工程抵押权的特征。第三个方面,主要论述在建工程抵押权客体的范围,,并从客体方面讨论了在建工程抵押权的正当性。 第二部分为在建工程抵押权的设定。主要从三个方面对在建工程抵押设定时存在的问题进行分析讨论。第一,主要讨论了在建工程抵押权设定时应满足的条件,即在那些情况下,在建工程才能够设定抵押,也就是在建工程设定抵押的资格问题;第二,通过阐释和分析在建工程抵押权设定登记的性质争议及在建工程抵押权登记转为一般抵押登记时应该注意的问题,提出笔者支持的观点,并对该观点进行合理性分析;第三,从对在建工程价值的评估和在建工程抵押权当事人意思自治两方面论述在建工程抵押设定时所能担保的债权额度。 第三部分为在建工程抵押权实现时的法律问题。笔者主要从两个领域内在建工程抵押权实现时的问题进行讨论。第一,预售商品房领域内在建工程抵押权实现时的问题。第二,建设工程价款优先受偿权领域内在建工程抵押实现时的问题。通过深入分析以上两个领域内在建工程抵押权实现时所产生问题,提出解决问题的办法。 第四部分为在建工程抵押制度完善的建议。在此部分,笔者针对前三部分所讨论的在建工程抵押权出现的问题,从在其设定的条件、价值评估及登记制度的完善等方面提出自己对于我国在建工程抵押制度完善的建议。
[Abstract]:As an important transaction guarantee system, mortgage system plays a very important role in civil law. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's market economy, the real estate industry has become one of the pillar industries of our economy. The construction project mortgage system, in our country real estate mortgage accounts for more and more proportion. The property Law promulgated in 2007 clearly stipulates the mortgage of the construction project in progress. However, because of the late start of the mortgage system of the construction project in our country, there is much confusion about the concept, the setting conditions, the scope of the object, the nature of the registration and the conflict between the mortgage in progress and some other rights. In practice, the court will also produce a different determination. In addition, there are many imperfections in the regulation of the mortgage system of the construction project in our country, which leads to a lot of disputes about the mortgage of the construction project in practice, and it is difficult to get a reasonable solution. Therefore, it is very necessary to study the mortgage system of the construction project in progress. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into four parts: The first part is an overview of the mortgage of construction in progress. Mainly from the following three aspects of the construction mortgage system discussed. First, from the provisions of the relevant laws of our country on mortgage in construction, the concept of mortgage in construction in a broad sense and in a narrow sense is introduced, and the controversy of scholars on the concept of mortgage in construction in progress is expounded. This paper puts forward his own understanding of the concept of mortgage of construction in progress. The second aspect, from the particularity of the object of the construction mortgage, the stage of the period and the uncertainty of its value, this paper discusses and analyzes the characteristics of the mortgage in the construction project. The third part mainly discusses the scope of the object of construction mortgage, and discusses the legitimacy of construction mortgage. The second part is about the establishment of mortgage of construction in progress. This paper analyzes and discusses the problems existing in the timing of mortgage in construction from three aspects. First, it mainly discusses the conditions that should be met when the mortgage right is established for construction in progress, that is, in which case, the construction project in progress can set the mortgage, that is, the issue of the qualification of the mortgage for the construction project in progress; second, Through explaining and analyzing the nature dispute of the establishment registration of mortgage right in construction works and the problems that should be paid attention to when the mortgage right registration of construction works in progress is converted into general mortgage registration, the author puts forward the viewpoint supported by the author, and analyzes the rationality of this viewpoint. This paper discusses the amount of creditor's rights which can be guaranteed by the timing of mortgage in construction from two aspects: the evaluation of the value of the construction project in progress and the autonomy of the parties' will of the mortgage right in the construction project in progress. The third part is about the legal problems of the realization of the mortgage of construction in progress. The author mainly discusses the realization of mortgage in two fields. First, in the field of pre-sale commercial housing construction in the realization of mortgage issues. Second, the problem of the realization of construction mortgage in the field of priority payment of construction project price. Through in-depth analysis of the problems arising from the realization of mortgage rights in the above two fields, the solutions to the problems are put forward. The fourth part is the proposal to perfect the mortgage system of the construction project in progress. In this part, in view of the problems of mortgage of construction in progress discussed in the first three parts, the author puts forward some suggestions for the perfection of mortgage system of construction in our country from the aspects of the conditions set, the evaluation of value and the perfection of registration system.


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1 王利明;抵押权若干问题的探讨[J];法学;2000年11期

2 金凌;;试析在建工程抵押的若干问题[J];政法学刊;2006年03期

3 孙宪忠;论不动产物权登记[J];中国法学;1996年05期




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