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发布时间:2018-05-16 22:23

  本文选题:低碳住宅 + 购买意向 ; 参考:《南京航空航天大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:为考察影响消费者低碳住宅购买意向的深层次因素,总结其规律为房地产企业在细分市场中寻找目标客户群体、制定行之有效的营销决策提供依据,本文在文献研究的基础上基于计划行为理论的视角将顾客产品知识、市场营销刺激作为前置变量引进模型,构建了消费者低碳住宅购买意向影响因素模型,,来分析探讨消费者的低碳住宅购买决策机制及其影响因素。通过运用大样本问卷调查方法获取数据,在对样本数据进行描述性分析、信度与效度检验、测量模型验证性因子分析的基础上,重点利用结构方程方法对消费者低碳住宅购买意向影响因素进行分析。 研究结果发现:(1)购买态度、主观规范与知觉行为控制对低碳住宅购买意向有显著性的正向影响,其中知觉行为控制是低碳住宅购买意向最有影响的预测变量,表明如何真正提高消费者低碳住宅购买时的知觉行为控制程度是企业营销时面临的关键性问题。(2)顾客产品知识对低碳住宅购买态度、知觉行为控制有显著性的正向影响,其中顾客产品知识对知觉行为控制的影响程度要高于其对低碳住宅购买态度的影响。顾客产品知识与主观规范正相关,但影响不显著。(3)市场营销刺激对低碳住宅购买态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制有显著性的正向影响,其中市场营销刺激对低碳住宅购买态度的影响程度要高于其对主观规范和知觉行为控制的影响。 总体而言,本文研究结果表明,修正后的计划行为理论对消费者低碳住宅购买意向能够进行有效地解释与预测,说明计划行为理论在研究低碳住宅购买意向方面具有良好的适应性。最后,在结论的基础上本文为房地产企业低碳住宅开发与营销策略的实施提供了针对性的建议。
[Abstract]:In order to investigate the deep factors that affect the purchase intention of low carbon housing, and summarize its law, it provides the basis for the real estate enterprises to find the target customer group in the subdivision market and to make effective marketing decisions. Based on the theory of planning behavior, this paper introduces the model of customer product knowledge and marketing stimulation as a leading variable, and constructs a model of influencing factors of consumer's purchase intention of low-carbon housing. To analyze and discuss the decision making mechanism and influencing factors of low-carbon housing purchase by consumers. Based on the descriptive analysis of sample data, reliability and validity test, and measurement model confirmatory factor analysis, a large sample questionnaire method is used to obtain the data. The structural equation method is used to analyze the influencing factors of consumers' purchase intention of low-carbon housing. The results show that the purchase attitude, subjective norms and perceptual behavior control have significant positive effects on the purchase intention of low carbon housing, and perceptual behavior control is the most influential predictor of the purchase intention of low carbon housing. It shows that how to improve the degree of perceived behavior control in the purchase of low carbon housing is the key problem faced by enterprises in marketing. (2) customer product knowledge has a significant positive effect on the purchase attitude of low carbon housing, and perceptual behavior control has a significant positive impact on the purchase of low carbon housing. The influence of customer product knowledge on perceptual behavior control is higher than that on low carbon housing purchase attitude. Customer product knowledge was positively correlated with subjective norms, but not significantly influenced by marketing stimulation, which had significant positive effects on low carbon housing purchase attitude, subjective norms and perceptual behavior control. The influence of marketing stimulation on low carbon housing purchase attitude is higher than that on subjective norms and perceptual behavior control. In general, the results of this paper show that the modified theory of planning behavior can effectively explain and predict the purchase intention of low carbon housing. It shows that the theory of planning behavior has good adaptability in studying the purchase intention of low-carbon housing. Finally, on the basis of the conclusion, this paper provides some suggestions for the development and marketing of low carbon housing in real estate enterprises.


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